Wolfram Resource System

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Paclet Resource: Wolfram/QuantumFramework

Perform analytic and numeric quantum computations

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/Selfies

SELF-referencIng Embedded Strings

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/ProteinVisualization

Functions for protein visualizations

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/MoleculeFingerprints

Compute and compare molecule fingerprints

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/ChemistryFunctions

Wolfram Language functions for Chemistry

Paclet Resource: StianRamsnes/MaXrd

Symmetry data and utilities related to crystallography and X-ray scattering

Paclet Resource: RobertNachbar/CompartmentalModeling

Build, visualize, analyze, and simulate compartmental models

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/UndirectedGraphs

Functions for undirected graphs

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/RecreationalMathematics

This paclet is for recreational mathematics and math puzzles

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/MixedGraphs

A collection of mixed graph functionality

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/CoreLanguageAndStructureFunctionality

Additional functionality for the core language and structure of Mathematica

Paclet Resource: Obando/CAGenetics

A set of functions to manipulate the unified model of Cellular Automata

Paclet Resource: KlausSutner/Automata

Automata theory package

Paclet Resource: JaneShenGunther/TCGADataTool

TCGA Data Tool retrieves TCGA cancer datasets easily from the NCI GDC and TCIA portals

Paclet Resource: FaizonZaman/LexicalCases

Extract lexical patterns from text

Paclet Resource: DanielS/Wireworld

Explore the Wireworld Turing-complete cellular automaton

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/TriesWithFrequencies

Functions for creation and manipulation of tries (prefix trees) with frequencies

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/QuantileRegression

Quantile regression functions

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/MonadMakers

Functions for making software monads

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/JavaTriesWithFrequencies

WL interface to Tries with frequencies implemented in Java

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/CryptocurrencyData

Cryptocurrency data retrieval

Function Resource: GramP

Evaluate the Gram polynomial

Function Resource: GramianReduce

Find a unimodular conversion matrix corresponding to a lattice Gramian matrix

Function Resource: IndependentComponentAnalysis

Decompose a matrix into Independent Component Analysis matrix factors

Function Resource: MatrixPolynomial

Evaluate a matrix polynomial

Function Resource: DiagonalizeMatrix

Get the diagonalized matrix of a given matrix

Function Resource: MercerMatrix

Generate a Mercer matrix

Function Resource: AntidiagonalMatrix

Creates an antidiagonal matrix by given the antidiagonal

Function Resource: CirculantMatrix

Construct a circulant matrix from a vector

Function Resource: ResistanceMatrix

Get the resistance matrix of a graph

Function Resource: RandomMatrix

Get a pseudorandom matrix of a given kind, type and size

Function Resource: FiedlerMatrix

Construct a Fiedler matrix from a vector

Function Resource: CofactorMatrix

Give the matrix of cofactors for a given input matrix

Function Resource: KrawtchoukMatrix

Generate a Krawtchouk matrix

Function Resource: MatrixSign

Evaluate the matrix sign function

Function Resource: MatrixNorm

Estimate the Hölder p-norm of a numerical matrix

Function Resource: HartleyMatrix

Generate a Hartley matrix

Function Resource: SylvesterMatrix

Generate the Sylvester matrix of two univariate polynomials

Function Resource: CarlemanMatrix

Evaluate the Carleman matrix of a function

Function Resource: CommutationMatrix

Generate a commutation matrix

Function Resource: BezoutMatrix

Generate the Bézout matrix of two univariate polynomials

Function Resource: CompanionMatrix

Compute the Frobenius companion matrix of a polynomial

Function Resource: MandelbrotMatrix

Construct a matrix whose eigenvalues lie on the Mandelbrot set boundary

Function Resource: ComradeMatrix

Generate the comrade matrix corresponding to an orthogonal polynomial series

Function Resource: AugmentedMatrix

Get the augmented matrix of the system of linear equations

Function Resource: SzegedMatrix

Compute the Szeged matrix of an undirected graph or a molecule

Function Resource: SchurMatrix

Generate the Schur matrix of a univariate polynomial

Function Resource: HurwitzMatrix

Generate the Hurwitz matrix of a univariate polynomial

Function Resource: WeingartenMatrix

Compute the Weingarten matrix of a surface

Function Resource: ProjectionMatrix

Compute the projection matrix for a given vector space

Function Resource: JacobiMatrix

Generate the Jacobi matrix corresponding to an orthogonal polynomial

Paclet Resource: LawrenceWinkler/MatrixDecomposition

Various simple matrix decompositions algorithms and support functions

Function Resource: CoefficientMatrix

Returns the coefficient matrix of a system of equations

Function Resource: UnitMatrix

Get a matrix with a 1 in a selected position and 0s elsewhere

Function Resource: UlamMatrix

Generate the Ulam matrix

Function Resource: WignerMatrix

Get the irreducible group representation of SU(2) for a given angular momentum

Function Resource: JacobianMatrix

Compute the Jacobian matrix of a vector function with respect to a list of variables

Function Resource: HessianMatrix

Compute the Hessian matrix of a function with respect to a list of variables

Function Resource: TridiagonalCompanionMatrix

Generate the tridiagonal companion matrix of a univariate polynomial

Function Resource: SuiteSparseMatrix

Import a sparse matrix from the SuiteSparse matrix collection

Function Resource: GeneralizedFiedlerMatrix

Generate the generalized Fiedler companion matrix of a univariate polynomial

Function Resource: HypergraphAdjacencyMatrix

Find the adjacency matrix for vertices in a hypergraph

Function Resource: RotationMatrixToQuaternion

Convert a rotation matrix to an equivalent unit quaternion

Function Resource: QuaternionToRotationMatrix

Convert a unit quaternion to an equivalent rotation matrix

Function Resource: DiracMatrix

Evaluate Dirac matrices in any dimension

Function Resource: MatrixFormDivided

Add row and column dividing lines to MatrixForm

Function Resource: BlockDiagonalMatrix

Create a block-diagonal matrix from submatrices

Function Resource: GraphPathMatrix

Find the path matrix of a graph

Function Resource: RandomUnimodularMatrix

Return a pseudorandom unimodular matrix

Function Resource: RotatedEllipseMatrix

Create a binary matrix with a rotated, ellipse-shaped region of 1s

Function Resource: CayleyMengerMatrix

Evaluate the Cayley-Menger matrix of a simplex

Function Resource: MatrixPartialTrace

Calculate a partial trace of a matrix

Function Resource: MatrixFieldOfValues

Evaluate the boundary curve of the field of values of a matrix

Function Resource: NewtonCompanionMatrix

Generate the companion matrix for the Newton interpolating polynomial of a given set of points

Function Resource: MatrixMinimalPolynomial

Compute the minimal polynomial of a square matrix

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/SSparseMatrix

Sparse matrices with named columns and rows

Function Resource: RayTransferMatrix

Calculate the ray transfer matrix of a Gaussian optical system

Function Resource: MatrixGeometricMean

Compute the geometric mean of two matrices

Function Resource: AntidiagonalMatrixQ

Tests whether a matrix is an antidiagonal matrix

Function Resource: MatrixPencilSolve

Find the null values and vectors for the pencil of a set of square matrices

Function Resource: GaussianQuadratureMatrix

Symmetric tridiagonal matrix for Gaussian quadrature

Function Resource: ConfusionMatrixFlip

Alter a confusion matrix by stochastically flipping classification results

Function Resource: RandomSparseSPDMatrix

Create a random sparse symmetric positive definite matrix

Function Resource: NonNegativeMatrixFactorization

Decompose a matrix into two non-negative matrix factors

Function Resource: ConsistentAugmentedMatrixQ

Determine if a matrix represents a consistent system of linear equations

Function Resource: QuadratureWeightsToJacobiMatrix

Recover a Jacobi matrix from a list of abscissa-weight pairs

Function Resource: BioSequenceFoldingMatrix

Build a matrix containing which biomolecular sequence positions can bond

Function Resource: OrthogonalPolynomialVandermondeMatrix

Generate the orthogonal polynomial Vandermonde matrix corresponding to a given vector

Function Resource: DiscreteHilbertTransformMatrix

Generate a matrix that arises in the computation of the discrete Hilbert transform

Function Resource: ConfusionMatrixTrajectoryFunction

Construct a function that, when given a threshold probability value, produces a confusion matrix

Function Resource: ConfusionMatrixToClassifierMeasurementsObject

Convert a confusion matrix into a ClassifierMeasurementsObject from which statistics can be derived

Function Resource: DirectedGraphTransferMatrix

Obtain partial probabilities of random walks on a directed graph

Function Resource: TridiagonalInverse

Evaluate the inverse of a tridiagonal matrix

Function Resource: RowSpace

Compute properties of the row space of a matrix

Function Resource: ColumnSpace

Compute properties of the column space of a matrix

Function Resource: RandomSparseSPDMatrixProbNum

Create a random sparse symmetric positive definite matrix using the Python package ProbNum

Prompt Resource: ShorterSentencesRephrase

Rephrase text with shorter sentences

Function Resource: Pfaffian

Compute the Pfaffian of an antisymmetric (skew-symmetric) matrix

Function Resource: SkewTridiagonalDecomposition

Compute the skew-tridiagonal decomposition of an antisymmetric matrix

Function Resource: SkewLTLDecomposition

Tridiagonalize an antisymmetric (skew-symmetric) matrix using the Parlett-Reid algorithm

Function Resource: DefinitePencilReduce

Convert a Hermitian-definite matrix pencil into a matrix with the same eigenvalues

Function Resource: ZeroDiagonal

Replace the diagonal of an arbitrary matrix with zeros

Function Resource: AasenDecomposition

Compute the Aasen decomposition of a Hermitian matrix

Function Resource: Nullity

Compute the nullity of a matrix

Function Resource: BialternateSum

Get the bialternate sum matrix of a square matrix

Function Resource: AppendColumn

Append a column to the right of a matrix

Function Resource: PrependColumn

Prepend a column to the left of a matrix

Function Resource: RationalCholeskyDecomposition

Compute the rational Cholesky decomposition of a matrix

Function Resource: NEigenvalueSumGradient

Numerically evaluate the gradient of a function summed over the eigenvalues of a matrix, with respect to matrix parameters

Function Resource: SymmetricSort

Symmetrically reorder the rows and columns of a square matrix

Function Resource: FindSubmatrix

Find a submatrix in an array matching a pattern

Function Resource: Cofactor

Get a cofactor of a matrix

Function Resource: BuildBioSequenceBondListFromFoldingMatrix

Construct all potential bond lists from a folding matrix associated with a biomolecular sequence

Function Resource: BidiagonalDecomposition

Compute the bidiagonal decomposition of a numerical matrix

Function Resource: BlockEntropy

Calculate the joint information entropy of a data matrix

Function Resource: PairwiseScatterPlot

Construct a scatter plot matrix

Function Resource: PopovDecomposition

Compute the Popov decomposition of a matrix of univariate polynomials

Function Resource: ShapeOperator

Compute the shape operator on a surface

Function Resource: BranchialGraphs

Depict branch-like connections between components of a directed acyclic graph

Function Resource: GeneralizedVariance

Find the determinant of the covariance matrix

Function Resource: FindDistanceInstance

Find an instance of n-dimensional vectors that produce a specified distance matrix

Function Resource: WhiteningTransform

Transform data such that its covariance matrix is the identity matrix

Function Resource: GaussianHessenbergDecomposition

Compute the Gaussian Hessenberg decomposition of a matrix

Function Resource: PolynomialHermiteDecomposition

Compute the Hermite decomposition of a matrix of univariate polynomials

Function Resource: LinearlyIndependent

Determine whether a set of vectors is linearly independent

Function Resource: RandomRotationQuaternion

Return uniformly distributed random rotations in quaternion form

Function Resource: Antidiagonal

Give the antidiagonal of a matrix

Function Resource: LinearlyConsistentQ

Determine if a linear system has a solution

Function Resource: FullQRDecomposition

Compute the full QR decomposition of a matrix

Function Resource: FullRankDecomposition

Compute a full rank decomposition of a matrix

Function Resource: MinSumPermutation

Find a permutation that minimizes a matrix sum

Function Resource: GershgorinDisks

Show the Gershgorin disks of a square matrix

Function Resource: BitStringNullSpace

A memory efficient form of computing the null space of a matrix modulo 2

Function Resource: PolynomialSmithDecomposition

Compute the Smith decomposition of a matrix of univariate polynomials

Function Resource: FirstOrderCorrelation

Compute the first order correlation matrix from an original correlation matrix

Function Resource: BialternateProduct

Calculate the bialternate product of two square matrices

Function Resource: Immanant

Compute the immanant of a square matrix associated with an integer partition

Function Resource: LinearConstraints

Determine the consistency equations required for a system of linear equations to have a solution

Function Resource: LinearCombination

Decompose a vector into a linear combination of a set of vectors

Function Resource: SignLogDet

Compute the sign and natural logarithm of the determinant of a matrix

Function Resource: AxisAngle

Generate the axis-angle representation of a three-dimensional rotation matrix

Function Resource: PolarDecomposition

Compute the polar decomposition of a matrix

Function Resource: TakagiDecomposition

Compute the Takagi decomposition of a complex-symmetric matrix

Function Resource: TotalVariation

Get the total variation of a matrix

Function Resource: SubmatrixReplace

Efficiently replace rectangular submatrices of an input data matrix

Function Resource: HessianDeterminant

Compute the Hessian determinant of a function with respect to a list of variables

Function Resource: ArrayCrop

Remove padding from an array

Function Resource: WishartDistribution

Represent the Wishart distribution

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/LinearAlgebraPaclet

A paclet for linear algebra and its applications

Function Resource: NearestKroneckerProductSum

Approximate a numerical matrix as sum of Kronecker products

Function Resource: ExtendedGroebnerBasis

Compute a Groebner basis and a conversion matrix from the input polynomials to the basis

Function Resource: DiagonalizeQuadratic

Write a quadratic expression as a sum of squares by eliminating its mixed terms and then completing squares

Function Resource: AdjacencyHypergraph

Compute the hypergraph with a specified adjacency tensor

Function Resource: AdjacencyTensor

Compute the adjacency tensor of an arbitrary hypergraph

Function Resource: IdentityHypermatrix

Get the d-dimensional identity hypermatrix

Function Resource: SimplexMedian

Get the simplex median of the elements of a matrix

Function Resource: WeyrDecomposition

Compute the Weyr decomposition of a square matrix

Function Resource: EllipsoidQuartiles

Find the ellipsoidal loci of the quartiles of matrix

Function Resource: LogarithmicNorm

Evaluate the logarithmic norm of a square matrix

Function Resource: OrderedSchurDecomposition

Compute the ordered Schur decomposition of a matrix

Function Resource: QuantumTensorAutomaton

A quantum cellular automaton model that evolves the tensor product of a collection of initial qubits using arbitrary compositions of unitary operators for a finite number of steps

Function Resource: SciPyObject

A minimal PythonObject configuration for the SciPy package

Function Resource: ElasticData

Compute elastic properties of a material with a specified elastic tensor (stiffness matrix)

Function Resource: ExtendedLatticeReduce

Compute a reduced basis for a set of vectors, along with a unimodular matrix that converts from the vectors to the reduced basis

Function Resource: ColumnSpaceBasis

Return a basis for the subspace spanned by the columns of a matrix

Function Resource: RowSpaceBasis

Return a basis for the subspace spanned by the rows of the matrix

Function Resource: LinearAlgebraMod

Perform matrix operations over a finite field

Paclet Resource: TheRealCStover/MATrixLinearAlgeBra

A collection of WL implementations of Matlab functions

Function Resource: BezierInterpolatingControlPoints

Compute the control points of a Bézier curve that interpolates a given set of points

Function Resource: HypergraphToGraph

Convert a hypergraph to a graph with the same distance matrix

Function Resource: DisplaySudokuPuzzle

Display a square matrix in a sudoku-puzzle format

Function Resource: BlockSubmatrices

Decompose a matrix into a comprehensive set of smaller matrices

Function Resource: PivotColumns

Get the positions of the columns that are pivot columns of a matrix

Function Resource: TukeyMedianPolish

Find row and column effects in a data matrix by repeatedly subtracting the median

Function Resource: PivotedLUDecomposition

Compute the LU decomposition of a matrix with different pivoting methods

Function Resource: AntidiagonalTotals

Give the totals of the entries on the rising diagonals of a square matrix

Function Resource: TracySinghProduct

Calculate the Tracy–Singh product of two matrices

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/ROCFunctions

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) functions

Function Resource: KirchhoffTensor

Compute the Kirchhoff tensor (Laplacian) of an arbitrary hypergraph

Function Resource: KirchhoffHypergraph

Compute the hypergraph with a specified Kirchhoff tensor (Laplacian)

Function Resource: ProbNumObject

PythonObject configuration for the Python package ProbNum

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/DimensionReducers

Dimension reduction algorithms

Function Resource: EigenvectorPlot

Visualize the Eigenvectors of a 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 matrix

Function Resource: QuadraticResidueAcousticDiffuser

Compute a matrix of well depth values representing a quadratic-residue diffuser

Function Resource: TensorPureFunction

Get a pure function whose argument is a vector or a matrix for a given tensor

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/MonadicGeometricNearestNeighbors

Software monad for Geometric Nearest Neighbors workflows

Function Resource: TableQ

Similar to ArrayQ, except it allows for ragged collections of nested lists

Function Resource: BitStringLinearSolve

A memory efficient form of solving linear systems modulo 2

Function Resource: FindExactCover

Find row subsets of an input binary matrix that sum to 1 in each column

Function Resource: NiceGrid

Nicely format data in various structures into a grid format

Function Resource: MultidimensionalScaling

Reduce a matrix of real values to low dimension using the principal coordinates analysis method

Function Resource: DixonResultant

Compute the Dixon resultant with respect to a set of polynomials and variables

Data Resource: Paul Revere's Social Network in Colonial Boston

Dataset of associations among political groups in colonial Boston 1762 - 1775

Function Resource: ToTensor

Convert an expression involving Dot, Tr and MatrixPower into an equivalent expression using TensorContract

Function Resource: ChiSquareMarkovChainStatistics

Calculate a chi-square statistic reflecting the homogeneity of a Markov chain's transition matrix over several time periods

Function Resource: OrthogonalPolynomialVandermondeSolve

Solve an orthogonal polynomial Vandermonde linear system

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/MonadicLatentSemanticAnalysis

Software monad for Latent semantic analysis

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/DataReshapers

Data reshaping functions

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/NewLinearAlgebraPaclet

A paclet for linear algebra

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/NLPTemplateEngine

Code generation by filling in templates using NLP techniques

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/MonadicSystemDynamics

Software monad for System Dynamics workflows

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/AssociationRuleLearning

Functions for association rule learning

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/CallGraph

Call graph generation

Function Resource: FastFourierGraph

Create a fast Fourier transform calculation in graphical form

Function Resource: CollinearQ

Determine whether a set of points lie on a line

Function Resource: CoplanarQ

Determine whether a set of points lies in a plane

Function Resource: GraphCoordinationSequence

Find the number of vertices at each distance in a symmetric graph

Function Resource: BalabanJ

Compute the Balaban J index of an undirected graph or a molecule

Function Resource: SzegedIndex

Compute the Szeged index of an undirected graph or a molecule

Function Resource: SchultzMTI

Compute the Schultz molecular topological index of an undirected graph or a molecule

Function Resource: XuIndex

Compute the Xu index of an undirected graph or a molecule

Function Resource: CrossTabulate

Compute the contingency table for a two- or three- column dataset or array

Function Resource: SameSpanQ

Determine whether two lists of vectors span the same subspace

Function Resource: DottedArrayPlot

Plot an array of values, with dots at specified positions

Function Resource: VectorSubspaceQ

Determine if the span of one list of vectors is contained in the span of a second list of vectors

Function Resource: GaussianBeam

Represent a Gaussian beam and its parameters

Function Resource: Triangle3DTo2D

Given a 3D triangle, return an equivalent 2D triangle along with a transformation function

Function Resource: ReflectPoints

Reflect a set of points over a line, plane or hyperplane defined by points

Function Resource: PermutationSkewSum

Compute the skew sum of permutation lists

Function Resource: PermutationDirectSum

Compute the direct sum of permutation lists

Function Resource: WienerIndex

Compute the Wiener index of a graph

Function Resource: SymbolicFourier

A symbolic version of the Fourier function

Function Resource: NormalTexture

Generate a normal texture from height data

Function Resource: CrossRecurrencePlot

Visualize the overlap of two discrete time series

Function Resource: VisualizeDigitPath

Get a graph of the sequential digit path of a number

Function Resource: TessellationPlot

Generate a tessellation of the plane with specified cell shapes

Function Resource: PersistentHomology

Perform persistent homology on a point cloud dataset

Function Resource: MixedNumberForm

Represent an improper fraction in mixed form

Function Resource: NetworkXObject

Use graph algorithms from the Python package NetworkX without any Python programming

Function Resource: RadialDistributionFunctionList

Compute the relative probability of finding a point at a given distance from another point

Function Resource: ChordDiagram

Make a weighted connectivity graph using circular embedding

Function Resource: PairwiseMultidimensionalScaling

Multidimensional scaling algorithm for embedding pairwise distances into a Cartesian space

Function Resource: MultinormalKLDivergence

Compute the Kullback–Leibler divergence between two multinormal distributions

Function Resource: AssociationOuter

Compute the generalized outer product of lists and get an association keyed by arguments

Function Resource: TuckerDecomposition

Compute the Tucker decomposition of a tensor

Function Resource: GraphCount

Find the number of fundamentally different graphs of a specified size

Function Resource: HosoyaZ

Compute the Hosoya Z index of a graph

Function Resource: KhatriRaoProduct

Evaluate the Khatri-Rao product of matrices

Function Resource: OpticalFieldModeling

Model non-paraxial optical field interference and diffraction experiments under arbitrary spatial coherence

Function Resource: LInfinitySolve

Solve the linear minimax problem

Function Resource: L1Solve

Solve the linear least absolute value problem

Function Resource: DVectorField

Generate the tensor associated with the nth derivative of a vector field at a point

Function Resource: StringsToVectors

Convert a set of text strings to numeric vectors

Function Resource: CountPolynomialSolutions

Count the roots to a system of polynomials

Function Resource: IteratedMap2D

Obtain the orbit of a 2D iterated map from given initial conditions