Wolfram Resource System

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Search the Wolfram Resource System

Paclet Resource: Wolfram/PacletCICD

Continuous integration and deployment for Wolfram Language paclets

Paclet Resource: Wolfram/Lazy

Lazy computation

Paclet Resource: Wolfram/CodeEquivalenceUtilities

Utilities for testing code equivalence

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/ProteinVisualization

Functions for protein visualizations

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/ChemistryFunctions

Wolfram Language functions for Chemistry

Paclet Resource: TheRealCStover/Trigonometry

A collection of lesser-known circular and hyperbolic trig functions and their inverses

Paclet Resource: StianRamsnes/MaXrd

Symmetry data and utilities related to crystallography and X-ray scattering

Paclet Resource: RobertNachbar/CompartmentalModeling

Build, visualize, analyze, and simulate compartmental models

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/RecreationalMathematics

This paclet is for recreational mathematics and math puzzles

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/NewMazePaclet

A paclet for mazes

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/BooleanLogic

Work with logical functions and boolean values

Paclet Resource: Obando/CAGenetics

A set of functions to manipulate the unified model of Cellular Automata

Paclet Resource: KlausSutner/Automata

Automata theory package

Paclet Resource: JasonB/WeakCache

Functions for caching with automatic garbage collection

Paclet Resource: JaroslavKysela/OpticalElements3D

3D models of optical elements

Paclet Resource: JaneShenGunther/TCGADataTool

TCGA Data Tool retrieves TCGA cancer datasets easily from the NCI GDC and TCIA portals

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/TriesWithFrequencies

Functions for creation and manipulation of tries (prefix trees) with frequencies

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/MonadicLatentSemanticAnalysis

Software monad for Latent semantic analysis

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/DataReshapers

Data reshaping functions

Function Resource: NormalPlane

Compute the normal plane of a space curve

Function Resource: HessianPlane

Get the Hessian normal form of a plane passing through three given points in space

Function Resource: OsculatingPlane

Compute the osculating plane of a space curve

Function Resource: RectifyingPlane

Compute the rectifying plane of a space curve

Function Resource: ParametricSurfaceTangentPlane

Compute the tangent plane of a parametric surface

Function Resource: TangentPlane

Find the tangent plane of a function at a point

Function Resource: UnitNormal

Compute the unit normal of a surface

Function Resource: NormalCurvature

Compute the normal curvature of a curve on a surface

Function Resource: NormalSurface

Compute the normal surface of a curve

Function Resource: NormalLine

Compute properties of the normal line to a curve at a given point

Function Resource: NormalVector

Compute the normal vector of a curve

Function Resource: NormalTexture

Generate a normal texture from height data

Function Resource: PolygonNormalVector

Compute the normal vector to a 3D polygon

Function Resource: NormalCI

Estimate the confidence interval based on a normal distribution

Function Resource: AngleBetweenPlanes

Compute the angle between two planes in R^3

Function Resource: PlaneLineIntersection

Compute the intersection point of a plane and line

Function Resource: EchoNormal

Print the code in InputForm unformatted

Function Resource: TangentAndNormalLine

Compute properties of the tangent and normal lines to a curve at a given point

Function Resource: NormalLineThrough

Compute properties of the line normal (perpendicular) to a given line and passing through a given point

Function Resource: PlaneOfBestFit

Get the hyperplane that best fits a set of points

Function Resource: FindFanoPlaneIsomorphism

Enumerate all isomorphisms given a configuration of a Steiner triple system (2, 3, 7) on the Fano plane

Function Resource: HessianLine

Get the Hessian normal form of a line passing through two given points on the Cartesian plane

Function Resource: EvolutoidCurve

Compute the evolutoid of a curve

Function Resource: EvoluteCurve

Compute the evolute of a curve

Function Resource: MeanMedianLogNormalDistribution

Create a lognormal distribution using mean and median as parameters instead of the conventional parameters

Function Resource: DobbleSets

Generate a set of integers that can create Dobble cards

Function Resource: CoplanarQ

Determine whether a set of points lies in a plane

Function Resource: StrophoidCurve

Compute a strophoid curve

Function Resource: CurveAberrancy

Compute the aberrancy of a plane curve

Data Resource: Steiner Surfaces

Classification of Steiner Surfaces

Function Resource: ConchoidCurve

Compute a conchoid curve

Function Resource: ASSTriangles

Create a list of all triangles with side lengths a and b and angle β opposite the side with length b

Function Resource: AberrancyCurve

Compute the curve of aberrancy of a plane curve

Function Resource: RadiusOfAberrancy

Compute the radius of aberrancy of a plane curve

Function Resource: OsculatingParabola

Get the osculating parabola of a plane curve

Function Resource: OsculatingConic

Get the osculating conic of a plane curve

Function Resource: NinePointCubic

Find a cubic plane curve that passes through nine given 2D points

Function Resource: GeneralizedTriangularGridGraph

Create a triangular grid graph with customizable width and height, represented as a parallelogram composed of triangular grids

Function Resource: TangentVector

Compute the tangent vector of a curve

Function Resource: BinormalSurface

Compute the binormal surface to a curve

Function Resource: SubTriangle

Construct special triangles of a triangle

Function Resource: TriangularSpiralPoints

Get the coordinates of the points on a triangular spiral

Function Resource: OsculatingCircleProperties

Compute the defining properties of the osculating circle for a curve at a point

Function Resource: PopovDecomposition

Compute the Popov decomposition of a matrix of univariate polynomials

Function Resource: DateListPlotRanged

Plot a time series that includes shading to indicate ranges in the plotted value

Function Resource: InverseSigmaConfidenceLevel

Calculate the number of standard deviations of a normal distribution that correspond to a confidence level

Function Resource: KimberlingCenter

Construct a specified Kimberling center of a triangle

Function Resource: PlotVector

Plot a list of vectors in the plane

Function Resource: QuadraticFormDistribution

Represent the distribution of a quadratic form with a multivariate normal

Function Resource: HexagonalSpiralPoints

Get the coordinates of the points on a hexagonal spiral

Function Resource: PolynomialHermiteDecomposition

Compute the Hermite decomposition of a matrix of univariate polynomials

Function Resource: GeometricSolve

Solve for a given quantity in a geometric scene

Function Resource: SphericAnamorphosisMap

Convert a point reflected in a spherical mirror to its spherical anamorphosis map in a plane parallel to the xy-plane

Function Resource: SquareSpiralPoints

Get the coordinates of the points on a square spiral with sides parallel to the axes

Function Resource: PedalSurface

Compute a pedal surface

Function Resource: WhewellEquation

Compute the Whewell equation for a plane curve

Function Resource: ConditionedMultinormalDistribution

Calculate conditional and marginal distributions of the multivariate normal distribution

Function Resource: PointLineDistance

Get the distance and normal line between a point and line

Function Resource: TessellationPlot

Generate a tessellation of the plane with specified cell shapes

Function Resource: PolynomialSmithDecomposition

Compute the Smith decomposition of a matrix of univariate polynomials

Function Resource: RadicalHyperplane

Calculate the radical hyperplane of two hyperspheres

Function Resource: Curvature

Compute the curvature of a curve

Function Resource: BinormalVector

Compute the binormal vector of a curve

Function Resource: AreaBetweenCurves

Find the area between two plane curves

Function Resource: ComplexMapVisualization

Visualize the behavior of conformal mappings in the complex plane

Function Resource: SigmaConfidenceLevel

Calculate the confidence level corresponding to width around the mean of a normal distribution

Function Resource: AsymptoticCurves

Compute the asymptotic curves of a parameterized surface

Function Resource: PerpendicularSurface

Compute the perpendicular surface of a curve

Function Resource: MovingOrthonormalFrame

Compute the moving orthonormal frame of a surface

Function Resource: SeaShellSurface

Get the parametrization of a seashell surface

Function Resource: CurveTube

Convert a 3D curve into a parametrized tube

Function Resource: StereographicProjection

Compute the stereographic projection from the unit sphere to a plane

Function Resource: CircleInversion

Compute the inversion of an object with respect to a reference circle in the Euclidean plane

Function Resource: QuadricSurfacePlot

Classify and plot any polynomial of degree two or less in three or fewer variables

Function Resource: VisualizeDigitPath

Get a graph of the sequential digit path of a number

Function Resource: InverseStereographicProjection

Compute the parametrization of a curve projected onto the unit sphere

Function Resource: AreaBetweenCurvesIntegral

Compute the integral describing the area between two plane curves

Function Resource: GeometricSceneConstructor

Create an interface for constructing a GeometricScene

Function Resource: DarbouxVector

Compute the Darboux vector field of a curve

Function Resource: WeingartenMatrix

Compute the Weingarten matrix of a surface

Function Resource: ReflectPoints

Reflect a set of points over a line, plane or hyperplane defined by points

Function Resource: DirectionParametricPlot

Create a parametric plot of a curve in the plane with direction indicated by arrowheads and color

Function Resource: MultivariateKurtosis

Find the kurtosis coefficient for multivariate data

Function Resource: MillerIndicesPlot

Plot cubic lattice crystallographic planes with h, k, l Miller indices

Function Resource: MultinormalKLDivergence

Compute the Kullback–Leibler divergence between two multinormal distributions

Function Resource: ModularTessellation

Compute polygons, circles, compositions and transformation functions for the tessellation of the upper half-plane by the modular group

Paclet Resource: RobertNachbar/ConsistentForceField

Ermer-Lifson CFF for alkanes, alkenes, and alkylbenzenes

Function Resource: SaturnView3D

3D graphic of Saturn oriented to match the tilt of the ring plane as seen from Earth

Function Resource: SectionContourPlot

Give a contour plot of a function together with the projections onto the xy-plane of the given sections of the plot

Function Resource: PointGroupSymbol

Compute the point group symmetry symbol of a molecule or a polyhedron

Function Resource: PrincipalCurvatures

Compute the principal curvatures of a surface

Function Resource: ConicAnamorphosisMap

Convert a point reflected in the base of a right conical mirror to its conic anamorphic map in the xy plane

Function Resource: Logit

The logit function from probability

Function Resource: SignedVectorAngle

A version of VectorAngle for 2D vectors that can return negative angles

Function Resource: SquareZigzagPoints

Lattice points in a square in zigzag order from the bottom-left to the top-right corner

Function Resource: CircleTangencyPoints

Find the tangency points on a circle emanating from a point

Function Resource: Orthocenter

Return the orthocenter of a triangle

Function Resource: HyperbolicDistance

Give the distance between two points in hyperbolic space

Function Resource: GraphicsPrimitiveQ

Test if a piece of a graphic is a graphics primitive

Function Resource: FocalSet

Compute the focal set of a surface

Function Resource: Rhombus

Produce a rhombus for use in graphics

Function Resource: RoundedPolygon

Represent a polygon with rounded corners

Function Resource: NestedIncirclePolygons

Create a graphic of nested circles and polygons inside an initial regular polygon

Function Resource: SupplementaryAngleDegree

Compute the geometric supplement to a given angle using degrees

Function Resource: ComplementaryAngleDegree

Compute the geometric complement to a given angle using degrees

Function Resource: ReferenceAngle

Compute the reference angle to a given input angle

Function Resource: ReferenceAngleDegree

Compute the reference angle to a given input angle using degrees

Function Resource: ComplementaryAngle

Compute the geometric complement to a given angle

Function Resource: ArcLine

A curved line between two points

Function Resource: SupplementaryAngle

Compute the geometric supplement to a given angle

Function Resource: HyperbolicPoincarePolygon

Represent a hyperbolic polygon embedded in the Poincaré disk

Function Resource: HyperbolicPoincareLine

Represent a hyperbolic line segment or polyline embedded in the Poincaré disk

Function Resource: SteinerCircumellipse

Generate the Steiner circumellipse of a 2D triangle

Function Resource: EulerLinePoints

Get the four main points of the Euler line of a triangle

Function Resource: GergonnePoint

Return the Gergonne point of a triangle

Function Resource: TriangleEdgeAngles

Given edge lengths of a triangle, return the angles opposite those edges

Function Resource: RandomMondrian

Generate random Mondrian patterns

Function Resource: CircleIntersection

Find the intersection of two circles

Function Resource: FindExtraordinaryLines

Return the lines passing through three or more points, given a set of points

Function Resource: NotchedPolygon

Represent a polygon with notched corners

Function Resource: FullBSplineCurve

Modify a BSplineCurve object to have explicit settings for certain options

Function Resource: SplineCircle

Generate a BSplineCurve primitive representing a circle

Function Resource: ImageRadialDivide

Divide an image into a list of colored polygons centered around the origin

Function Resource: LloydAlgorithm

Perform Lloyd's algorithm to find evenly spaced points in a region

Function Resource: ApproximateGeneralizedVoronoiMesh

Approximate the generalized Voronoi mesh for non-overlapping geometries

Function Resource: NonConvexHullMesh

Generate a mesh geometry from points without including exterior concave perimeter areas or holes

Function Resource: SimplexOrientation

Get the orientation of a simplex

Function Resource: RoundedLine

Represent a polyline with rounded corners

Function Resource: PerforatePolygons

Make a hole in the middle of a polygon

Function Resource: Triangle3DTo2D

Given a 3D triangle, return an equivalent 2D triangle along with a transformation function

Function Resource: RandomScribble

Make a random scribble graphic

Function Resource: CellularAutomataCartogram

A cellular automata method for creating cartograms

Function Resource: CurveToBSplineFunction

Create a smooth parametrized function from a list of points with flexible control over smoothing

Function Resource: BresenhamPoints

Calculate integer 2D point locations along a line using Bresenham's method

Function Resource: Trapezoid

Create quadrilateral polygon with two parallel sides

Function Resource: LucasCircles

Get the three Lucas circles of a given triangle

Function Resource: PolygonInterpolation

Interpolate over values given at the vertices of a polygon

Function Resource: RegularPolygonAngleRadius

Compute the polar radius of a regular polygon

Function Resource: PeriodicBoxDisplacement

Get the shortest displacement between two points in a box with periodic boundary conditions

Function Resource: ConvexLayers2D

Calculate the convex layers of a set of 2D points

Function Resource: BlendLine

Blend between lines

Function Resource: ImageSquareDivide

Divide an image into an array of colored squares

Function Resource: EpicyclePlot

Plot the composition of cycles having different radii, frequencies and phases

Function Resource: ReuleauxPolygon

Represent a Reuleaux polygon

Function Resource: VoronoiCellTours

Compute shortest tours visiting all lattice points within each Voronoi cell in a region

Function Resource: Polyomino

Give all the polyominoes of a specified rank

Function Resource: SignedArea

Compute the signed area of a polygon

Function Resource: CesaroEquation

Compute the Cesàro equation for a planar curve

Function Resource: BarycentricCoordinates

Find the barycentric coordinates of a point

Function Resource: RegionFindShortestPath

Find the shortest paths between two points in 2D regions

Function Resource: StandardSimplex

Get the standard simplex for a specified dimension

Function Resource: DoyleSpiral

Plot Doyle spirals

Function Resource: PenroseTile

Make plots of Penrose tiles

Function Resource: FillMeshHoles

Fill holes in MeshRegion objects

Function Resource: TrigDataset

Get trigonometric datasets including closed-form values

Function Resource: MortonCurve

Generate a Morton (z-order) curve

Function Resource: TurningNumber

Compute the turning number of a curve

Function Resource: FrenetSerretPlot

Plot the Frenet–Serret frame of a curve

Function Resource: DigitalCirclism

Generate circle packings covering a picture

Function Resource: TotalSignedCurvature

Compute the total signed curvature of a curve

Function Resource: PeriodicBoxDistance

Evaluate the shortest distance between two points in a box with periodic boundary conditions

Function Resource: TriangleEdgesQ

Test if three given lengths make a triangle

Function Resource: GershgorinDisks

Show the Gershgorin disks of a square matrix

Function Resource: TurtleArt

Make art with code

Function Resource: SimplexMeasure

Get the measure of a simplex or simplicial complex

Data Resource: Dust Frequency by WMO Station

Average annual and monthly number of days with dusty weather for Iran, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia

Function Resource: RegularHyperbolicTilingGraph

Create a graph of a regular hyperbolic tiling

Function Resource: TheodorusT

Evaluate the Theodorus function

Function Resource: KeplerE

Evaluate the solution of the standard Kepler equation

Function Resource: IteratedAffinePlot

Plot polygons after iteratively applying a translation, scaling and rotation

Function Resource: LevyCCurve

Generate the Lévy C curve

Neural Net Resource: Sketch-RNN Trained on QuickDraw Data

Generate hand-drawn sketches

Function Resource: FindDistanceInstance

Find an instance of n-dimensional vectors that produce a specified distance matrix

Data Resource: Fog Frequency by WMO Station

Average annual and monthly number of days with fog for 22 nations

Data Resource: Rain Frequency by WMO Station

Average annual and monthly number of days with rain for 28 nations

Data Resource: Snowfall Frequency by WMO Station

Average annual and monthly number of days with snowfall for 9 nations

Function Resource: Cos2PiOverFermatPrime

Closed form of cos(2π/p) where p is a Fermat prime (3, 5, 17, 257, 65537) a la Gauss

Function Resource: NoncontiguousCartogram

Create a noncontiguous cartogram

Function Resource: CubicSplineCurve

Generate a cubic B-spline curve that passes through given points

Data Resource: Thunder Frequency by WMO Station

Average annual and monthly number of days with thunder

Function Resource: ProjectionMatrix

Compute the projection matrix for a given vector space

Function Resource: SchmidtArrangements

Generate Schmidt arrangements of circles

Function Resource: BezierInterpolatingControlPoints

Compute the control points of a Bézier curve that interpolates a given set of points

Function Resource: CayleyMengerMatrix

Evaluate the Cayley-Menger matrix of a simplex

Data Resource: Overcast Frequency by WMO Station

Average annual and monthly number of days without sunshine

Function Resource: LSystem

Generate an L-system

Function Resource: ParametricManifoldToGraph

Generate the graph associated with a parametric description of a manifold

Function Resource: DorlingCartogram

Create a non-overlapping cartogram type with visual equalization, partial topology preservation and no shape preservation

Function Resource: ConicSectionPlot

Classifies and plots any polynomial of degree two or less in two or fewer variables

Function Resource: MoranI

Compute Moran's I spatial autocorrelation coefficient

Function Resource: RayTransferMatrix

Calculate the ray transfer matrix of a Gaussian optical system

Function Resource: ArrayRotations

Get the rotations and reflections of an array

Function Resource: ConicProperties

Get an association of the properties of a conic section

Function Resource: TwoSidedPValue

Find the probability of the absolute value of the test statistic being at least as extreme as the given value

Function Resource: TaylorPolynomial

Compute the Taylor polynomial of a given order of a function of one or several variables

Function Resource: ToAssociations

Recursively replace lists of rules with associations

Function Resource: IdealCoinTossStatistics

Compute the probabilities and statistics associated with tossing a coin

Function Resource: CoinTossSimulator

Dynamically simulate tossing a coin

Function Resource: GaussianBeam

Represent a Gaussian beam and its parameters

Function Resource: Cevians

Given a simplex and point, find the cevians

Function Resource: ParabolaProperties

Get an association of the properties of the given parabola

Function Resource: MetropolisHastingsSequence

Generate a sequence of values using the Metropolis–Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo method

Function Resource: AcentricFactor

Estimate the acentric factor of a substance

Function Resource: EllipseFit

Fit an ellipse to a list of 2D points

Function Resource: NoiseSphere

Visualize the noise sphere of a set of random numbers

Function Resource: NibbleArray

An array of nibbles (four-bit values)

Function Resource: FromNumberExpansion

Rational approximation of a real number using different kinds of commonly known series expansions

Function Resource: UnevaluatedAssociation

Construct an association without evaluating any of the keys or values