In this example, the rule can be applied three times.
In the second row, the candidate 5 is found only in the two yellow cells R2C2 and R2C3 and therefore has to be placed in one of these cells. Both cells are seen from the green cells R1C2 and R2C3(!) and therefore the candidate 5 can be removed from these cells.
Similarly, in row 5, the yellow cells R5C3 and R5C4 are the only cells that contain the candidate 3, so this candidate has to be placed in one of these cells. These two cells are seen from the green cells R5C3(!) and R6C3 and therefore the candidate 3 can be removed form these cells.
Finally, the yellow cells R6C3 and R4C6 are the only cells in the cental jigsaw block that contain the candidate 6, so this candidate has to be placed in one of these cells. The green cell R6C6 sees both yellow cells and therefore the candidate 6 can be removed from the cell R6C6.