Basic Examples (3)
Compute the tensor product of a single-qubit Pauli-X QuantumBasis object and a single-qubit Pauli-Z QuantumBasis object to obtain a two-qubit QuantumBasis object:
Show the product basis:
Compute the tensor product of a two-qubit Pauli-X QuantumBasis object and a three-qubit Pauli-Z QuantumBasis object to obtain a five-qubit QuantumBasis object instead:
Scope (9)
Compute the tensor product of two pure QuantumDiscreteState objects to obtain another pure QuantumDiscreteState object:
Check that this is a pure state:
Compute the tensor product of two mixed QuantumDiscreteState objects to obtain another mixed QuantumDiscreteState object:
Compute the tensor product of a pure QuantumDiscreteState object and a mixed QuantumDiscreteState object to obtain a mixed QuantumDiscreteState object:
Compute the tensor product of an arity-2 QuantumDiscreteOperator object and an arity-1 QuantumDiscreteOperator object to obtain an arity-3 QuantumDiscreteOperator object:
Compute the tensor product of two arity-2 projection-valued QuantumMeasurementOperator objects to obtain an arity-4 projection-valued QuantumMeasurementOperator object:
Compute the tensor product of two arity-1 positive operator-valued QuantumMeasurementOperator objects to obtain an arity-2 positive operator-valued QuantumMeasurementOperator object:
Compute the tensor product of two arity-1 QuantumHamiltonianOperator objects to obtain an arity-2 QuantumHamiltonianOperator object:
Compute the tensor product of two arity-2 QuantumCircuitOperator objects to obtain an arity-4 QuantumDiscreteOperator object:
Show the matrix representation of the resulting operator:
Compute the tensor product of a list of quantum objects:
Compute the tensor product of higher-dimensional quantum objects:
When taking a tensor product of QuantumDiscreteState, QuantumDiscreteOperator, QuantumMeasurementOperator, QuantumHamiltonianOperator or QuantumCircuitOperator objects, QuantumTensorProduct will also compute the tensor product of the associated QuantumBasis objects implicitly:
The resulting basis is equivalent to the tensor product of the two constituent bases: