Retrieve a list of all dependent variables for a given expression
Contributed by:
E. Chan-López, Jaime Manuel Cabrera & Jorge Mauricio Paulin Fuentes
Basic Examples (1)
Use AllDependentVariables to get the expression that matches to be a mathematical solution:
Scope (8)
Use AllDependentVariables to get the expressions that match dependent variable:
Use AllDependentVariables with a list of complicated expressions:
Use AllDependentVariables with an inhomogeneous first-order ordinary differential equation:
Use AllDependentVariables with a differential equation with a piecewise coefficient:
Use AllDependentVariables with a system of delay differential equations:
Use AllDependentVariables with a Caputo fractional differential equation of order 1/2:
Use AllDependentVariables with a linear first-order partial differential equation:
Use AllDependentVariables with a singular Abel integral equation:
Options (2)
Modulus (2)
Find dependent variables present after reducing coefficients modulo 2:
For polynomials, AllDependentVariables and Variables gives the same results:
Applications (3)
Use AllDependentVariables to define a simple function to compute the equations of motion for a given Hamiltonian:
Use HamiltonianEqns with the Hamiltonian for the spherical pendulum:
Use HamiltonianEqns with the Hamiltonian for the PUMA-Like Robot:
Possible Issues (1)
AllDependentVariables don't recognize curried functions as dependent variables:
Neat Examples (2)
AllDependentVariables looks inside nested functions:
AllDependentVariables threads composite functions to obtain the dependent variables:
Ramón Eduardo Chan López
Version History
– 20 September 2023
– 28 July 2023
– 21 July 2023
– 05 July 2023
– 21 April 2023
Related Resources
Author Notes
The current implementation has been enriched with valuable recommendations from the Wolfram Team.