Basic Examples (2)
Find the position of
in the Stern–Brocot sequence:
Find the position of
in the Stern–Brocot sequence with explicit numerator and denominator:
Find the fraction at position 960 in the Stern–Brocot sequence:
Generate terms of the Farey sequence:
Show their positions in the Stern–Brocot sequence:
Use the positions to generate fractions:
Scope (4)
Show the first 42 terms:
Get back the positions using explicit numerators and denominators:
Get back the positions by forcing a denominator of 1 everywhere:
A two term form is needed for positions of integers since fractions
are returned as 1, 2, 3, 4:
Properties and Relations (6)
Negative values return negative fractions:
Negative fractions correspond to negative positions:
Level 5 of the Stern-Brocot tree:
Find the Total of the terms of the ContinuedFraction for level 5 of the Stern-Brocot tree:
For terms
on the same level in the Stern–Brocot binary tree,
The maximal numerator for level n of the Stern-Brocot tree is Fibonacci[n+1]:
An unreduced fraction gives the same value as the reduced fraction:
Create a plot of the first 256 values:
Create a plot of indices for the Farey sequence fractions:
Possible Issues (3)
Fractions at positions 2a-1 are returned as a instead of
SternBrocot returns a Failure if its input is anything other than an integer:
Fractions leading to an index with more than a million digits will be flagged as out of range:
Fractions with a million digit index will be evaluated as expected:
Neat Examples (4)
Find fractions of the order 8 FareySequence missing from the order 5 Stern–Brocot binary tree:
Show the Stern–Brocot binary tree:
Put the Stern–Brocot binary tree into a hydraulic press:
Make the Stern–Brocot binary tree with help from IntegerExponent: