Basic Examples (6)
Create a unit area Polygon object of "TripleCross" type rotated counterclockwise by
The centroid of the polygon is placed at {0,0}:
Visualize the polygon and its centroid:
Create a tuned up Graphics marker in one step:
This marker is set up to be suitable for PlotMarkers:
Get the complete list of built-in named shapes:
Make a Grid of Buttons with the shapes for easy selection:
Filled markers that pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:
Empty markers that pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:
Filled markers with lighter filling colors:
Scope (3)
Use the third argument of PolygonMarker to specify the coordinate(s) where the marker should be placed:
Construct a list plot directly from graphics primitives:
Construct a custom list plot where open plot markers have transparent faces for each other (but not for the lines):
Neat Examples (5)
Center markers that pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:
Half-filled markers that pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:
Contrast markers that pick up PlotStyle and PlotTheme automatically:
Create an auxiliary function that (approximately) converts a simple glyph into a set of points suitable for PolygonMarker:
Show a set of markers in use, including some created from glyphs:
Black-and-white plot, where the markers overlap considerably:
Use the resource functions RoundedPolygon and NotchedPolygon to make markers: