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FindMinimalTilings (1.0.0) current version: 2.0.0 »

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Find minimal tilings from a given tile shape

Contributed by: Wolfram Research


finds minimal tilings with a pattern of size s for n tiles of a given tileset.


finds minimal tilings with a pattern with width w and length l for n tiles of a given tileset.


A pattern is a rectangular array of positive integer values suitable for use in an ArrayPlot.
A tile mask is a subset of positions within a rectangular array, such as the a values in {{a,a,a},{_,a,_}}. This particular mask is also known as the Tetris T shape.
A tile is an array that can contain integers or blanks.
All tiles in a tileset fit in an array of the same size, say {a,b}. If all subarrays of that size in a larger pattern matches a tile in the tileset, then that tileset can be used to make the given pattern.
An all zero tile leads to an all white or all zero pattern .
An all one tile leads to an all black or all one pattern .
The two tiles lead to a checkboard pattern . No subset of the tiles will make a larger pattern, so these two tiles produce a minimal tiling.
The tileset will produce the all white pattern, but the second tile isn't necessary. Therefore, this is NOT a minimal tileset.
The above patterns have a size of 4×4.
The tileset should be specified as a dense array.
An all zero array is a tiling pattern, and a single all zero tile is a minimal tileset for it. Adding another tile to that tileset gives a non-minimal tileset.


Basic Examples (2) 

Generate all possible 2×2 binary tiles:

binaryTiles = Partition[#, 2] & /@ (IntegerDigits[#, 2, 4] &) /@ Range[0, 15]

Find subsets of size 2 that can lead to minimal tiling patterns of size 4×4:

 Partition[#, 2] & /@ (IntegerDigits[#, 2, 4] &) /@ Range[0, 15], 2,

Find 3-sets of 2×2 tiles leading to minimal tiling patterns of size 8×8:

mintilings = ResourceFunction["FindMinimalTilings"][
  Partition[#, 2] & /@ (IntegerDigits[#, 2, 4] &) /@ Range[0, 15], 3, 8]

Show the patterns:

ArrayPlot[Last[#], ImageSize -> 150] & /@ Normal[mintilings]

Show the minimal tilesets leading to these patterns:

Row[ArrayPlot[#, ImageSize -> 50, Mesh -> All] & /@ First[#]] & /@ Normal[mintilings]

Scope (2) 

Using the resource function TilingPatternPlot, show 4-sets of 2×2 tiles leading to minimal tiling tiling patterns:

ArrayPlot /@ KeyMap[ResourceFunction["TilingPatternPlot"], ResourceFunction["FindMinimalTilings"][
   Partition[#, 2] & /@ (IntegerDigits[#, 2, 4] &) /@ Range[0, 15], 4,

Show 4-sets of Z-tetrominoes leading to minimal tiling tiling patterns:

ArrayPlot /@ KeyMap[ResourceFunction["TilingPatternPlot"], ResourceFunction["FindMinimalTilings"][
   Partition[Flatten[{_, #, _}], 3] & /@ (IntegerDigits[#, 2, 4] &) /@
      Range[0, 15], 4, 15]]

Possible Issues (1) 

A given tileset may have no minimal tilings in subsets of a given size:

tileset = {{{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 0, 0}}, {{_, _, 1}, {0, _, 1}, {_, 0, 0}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 1, 0}}, {{_, _, 0}, {0, _, 1}, {_, 1, 0}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 1}, {_, 1, 0}}, {{_, _, 0}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 0, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 1}, {_,
     0, 1}}, {{_, _, 0}, {0, _, 0}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {0, _, 0}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {0, _, 1}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 0}, {1, _, 1}, {_, 1, 1}}}; ResourceFunction["FindMinimalTilings"][tileset, 11, 20]

Neat Examples (1) 

Show a tiling pattern for a more difficult tiling set:

tileset = {{{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 0, 0}}, {{_, _, 1}, {0, _, 1}, {_, 0, 0}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 1, 0}}, {{_, _, 0}, {0, _, 1}, {_, 1, 0}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 1}, {_, 1, 0}}, {{_, _, 0}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 0, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 1}, {_,
     0, 1}}, {{_, _, 0}, {0, _, 0}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {0, _, 0}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {1, _, 0}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 1}, {0, _, 1}, {_, 1, 1}}, {{_, _, 0}, {1, _, 1}, {_, 1, 1}}}; ArrayPlot[
   Normal[ResourceFunction["FindMinimalTilings"][tileset, 12, 20]]]]]

Version History

  • 2.0.0 – 08 August 2022
  • 1.0.0 – 29 November 2021

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