ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"] returns an
InterpolatingFunction object, which can be used like any other pure function.
The interpolation function returned by ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"][data] is set up so as to agree with data at every point explicitly specified in data.
ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"] yields an interpolant with continuous first and second derivatives.
The function values fi are expected to be real or complex numbers.
The function arguments xi must be real numbers.
ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"][data] generates an
InterpolatingFunction object that returns values with the same precision as those in
The following endpoint conditions can be specified for cond:
"NotAKnot" | not-a-knot end condition |
"Natural" | natural end condition (zero second derivative) |
"Clamped" | set derivative at endpoint equal to the derivative of the polynomial passing through first (or last) four points |
{"Clamped",d} | set derivative at endpoint equal to d |
{"Clamped",InterpolationOrder→m} | set derivative at endpoint equal to the derivative of the polynomial passing through first (or last) m+1 points |
"Second" | set second derivative at endpoint equal to 0 |
{"Second",d} | set second derivative at endpoint equal to d |
{"Second",InterpolationOrder→m} | set second derivative at endpoint equal to the second derivative of the polynomial passing through first (or last) m+1 points |
"Periodic" | periodic |
ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"][data] is equivalent to ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"][data,"Periodic"] if the left and right endpoints of data have the same ordinate, and ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"][data,"NotAKnot"] otherwise.
ResourceFunction["CubicSplineInterpolation"][data,{cond1,cond2}] uses cond1 for the left endpoint condition and cond2 for the right endpoint condition.