Wolfram Resource System

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Paclet Resource: Wolfram/QuantumFramework

Perform analytic and numeric quantum computations

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/IsomerGeneration

Generate Isomers from Chemical Formulas

Paclet Resource: WolframChemistry/ChemistryFunctions

Wolfram Language functions for Chemistry

Paclet Resource: KlausSutner/Automata

Automata theory package

Paclet Resource: FaizonZaman/LexicalCases

Extract lexical patterns from text

Paclet Resource: DanielS/Wireworld

Explore the Wireworld Turing-complete cellular automaton

Paclet Resource: ArmandoCruz/ZeroKnowledgeProofs

Implementation of Zero Knowledge proof interactive and non-interactive protocols

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/MonadMakers

Functions for making software monads

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/DataReshapers

Data reshaping functions

Function Resource: CircleFlowChart

Display a chart with steps of a process that repeats

Function Resource: PeakExpiratoryFlow

Calculate a person's maximum rate of exhalation

Function Resource: PowerDiagram

Generate the power diagram of a set of circles

Function Resource: VennDiagram

Generate the Venn diagram associated to a logical expression or collection of sets

Function Resource: FerrersDiagram

Display the Ferrers diagram of a partition with dots

Function Resource: TapeDiagram

Visualize fractions, integers and multiplication using tape diagrams

Function Resource: ChordDiagram

Make a weighted connectivity graph using circular embedding

Function Resource: BouwkampDiagram

Convert Bouwkamp format into a diagram

Function Resource: MermaidInk

Get an image corresponding to a Mermaid-JS specification via the web Mermaid-Ink interface of Mermaid-JS

Function Resource: TensorDiagram

Display symbolic tensor expressions as a diagram

Function Resource: HasseDiagram

Construct a Hasse diagram of a poset

Function Resource: SphericalVoronoiDiagram

Show the spherical Voronoi diagram of a set of points on a sphere

Function Resource: PolygonalDiagram

Show an array of polygonal numbers

Function Resource: HertzsprungRussellDiagram

Plot the positions of stars in a Hertzsprung–Russell diagram

Function Resource: NucleotideStaveDiagram

Generate the stave diagram corresponding to a nucleotide sequence

Function Resource: DivisorHasseDiagram

Generate a transitive reduction graph for the divisors of a positive integer

Function Resource: ColorBlindnessDiagram

Make a color blindness diagram given a symbol and two colors

Function Resource: FerrersVennDiagram

Generate a Venn-like diagram to compare the Ferrers diagrams of two integer partitions

Function Resource: PulsarPDotDiagram

Plot the positions of pulsars in a P-Ṗ diagram

Paclet Resource: AntonAntonov/MermaidJS

Graphics and images corresponding to mermaid-js specifications

Function Resource: FractionalIteration

Get the flow of an iterated function at a fixed point

Function Resource: MakeZXDiagram

Make a diagrammatic representation of a linear map in the ZX-calculus

Paclet Resource: GSberveglieri/Phi4tools

A collection of tools for Feynman diagrams in scalar field theories

Function Resource: StandardDragCurve

One of the more popular functions to describe the conventional correlation for the drag on a sphere in steady motion

Function Resource: ZXDiagramToQuantumDiscreteOperator

Convert a ZX-diagram into a discrete quantum operator

Function Resource: QuantumDiscreteOperatorToZXDiagram

Convert a discrete quantum operator into a ZX-diagram

Function Resource: ZXDiagramToQuantumDiscreteState

Convert a ZX-diagram into a pure quantum discrete state

Function Resource: QuantumDiscreteStateToZXDiagram

Convert a pure quantum discrete state into a ZX-diagram

Function Resource: StemLeafPlot

Construct a stem-and-leaf diagram

Function Resource: AnimatedArrow

An Arrow whose heads move dynamically

Function Resource: TableauQ

Determine if a list of values forms a Young tableau

Function Resource: KeywordsGraph

A weighted graph visualizing the flow and clustering of ideas in the text

Function Resource: ApproximateGeneralizedVoronoiMesh

Approximate the generalized Voronoi mesh for non-overlapping geometries

Function Resource: IfSatisfies

Pass a value to a function if the value satisfies a condition

Function Resource: FractalCellularTexture

Generate Worley's cellular texture

Function Resource: ThrowFailure

Throw a Failure object to the nearest enclosing CatchFailure

Function Resource: CatchFailure

Catches any Failure object thrown by an enclosed ThrowFailure evaluation

Function Resource: NumberOfTableaux

Get a count of Young tableaux for a given size or shape

Function Resource: CheckReturn

Evaluates an expression and returns the result unless messages were generated, in which case it immediately returns a Failure expression

Function Resource: MirrorManipulate

Generate a graphic of a ray diagram in which the circular mirror parameters can be manipulated dynamically

Function Resource: ChernoffFace

Make Chernoff face diagrams

Function Resource: LensManipulate

Generate a graphic in which the thin-lens parameters can be manipulated dynamically

Function Resource: PermutationToTableaux

Get the two Young tableaux corresponding to a permutation

Function Resource: VoronoiCellTours

Compute shortest tours visiting all lattice points within each Voronoi cell in a region

Function Resource: RandomYoungTableau

Generate a random Young tableau with a given shape

Function Resource: MixedEulerianGraphQ

Test if a strongly connected mixed graph is Eulerian or unicursal

Function Resource: StandardYoungTableaux

Enumerate all standard Young tableaux of a given shape

Function Resource: FractionalDPolynomialRoots

Compute and visualize the roots of fractional (noninteger) derivatives of polynomials

Function Resource: TransposeTableau

Transpose a Young tableau

Function Resource: AlluvialChart

Chart changing weights over time

Function Resource: FrobeniusSymbolFromPartition

Get a pair of lists representing the Ferrers diagram of a partition

Function Resource: DurfeeSquare

Compute the side length of the Durfee square of an integer partition

Function Resource: ThickLensManipulate

Generate a graphic in which the thick-lens parameters can be manipulated dynamically

Function Resource: BioMoleculePlot3D

Visualize the 3D structure of biomolecules

Function Resource: TableauxToPermutation

Get a permutation corresponding to two Young tableaux

Function Resource: VennGraphPlot

Visualize the intersections of overlapping sets

Function Resource: HookLengths

Get the list of lists whose entries are the hook lengths of the entries of a Young tableau

Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/BooleanLogic

Work with logical functions and boolean values

Function Resource: SignChart

Get a number line diagram with information about where a function is positive, negative, zero or discontinuous

Prompt Resource: TranscriptionCleanUp

Remove ums, uhs, and other filler words to make sentences flow better

Function Resource: DominatingIntegerPartitionQ

Determine if one integer partition dominates another

Function Resource: RadarChart

Show numerical data in a radar-style chart

Neural Net Resource: ShuffleNet-V2 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data

Identify the main object in an image

Neural Net Resource: ResNet-50 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data

Identify the main object in an image

Neural Net Resource: ResNet-152 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data

Identify the main object in an image

Neural Net Resource: ResNet-101 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data

Identify the main object in an image

Function Resource: PowerTriangulation

Generate the power triangulation of a set of circles

Function Resource: ToNegabinary

Get the negabinary representation of an integer

Data Resource: Zachary's Karate Club Network

Social network of friendships

Function Resource: MeshVoronoiEntropy

Compute the Voronoi entropy of a mesh region

Neural Net Resource: FastDVDNet Trained on DAVIS Data

Remove noise from a video

Data Resource: Power Density in Biological and Astronomical Systems

Power density in various systems in the universe for a comparison of their thermodynamics efficiency