Options (34)
AxesLabel (1)
Specify labels for the x- and y-axes:
AxesOrigin (2)
Determine where the axes cross automatically:
Specify the axes origin at the point {0,0}:
ColorFunction (5)
Color the curve by scaled x-, y- or t-values:
Use a named color gradient:
ColorFunction has higher priority than PlotStyle:
Use red for the parameter t>2π:
Color by the absolute curvature:
ColorFunctionScaling (1)
Color the curve by the phase of the sine:
MaxRecursion (1)
Each level of MaxRecursion will adaptively subdivide the initial mesh into a finer mesh:
Mesh (1)
Show the initial and final sampling meshes:
PerformanceGoal (2)
Generate a higher-quality plot:
Emphasize performance, possibly at the cost of quality:
PlotLabels (5)
Specify the text to label the curves:
Place the labels above the curves:
Place the labels differently for each curve:
Use callouts to identify the curves:
Put labels relative to the outside of the curves:
Use None to not add a label:
PlotLegends (5)
No legends are used by default:
Create a legend with specific labels:
PlotLegends picks up PlotStyle values automatically:
Use Placed to position legends:
Place legends inside:
Use LineLegend to modify the appearance of the legend:
PlotPoints (1)
Use more initial points to get a smoother plot:
PlotStyle (3)
Use different style directives:
By default, different styles are chosen for multiple curves:
Explicitly specify the style for different curves:
PlotTheme (1)
Use a marketing theme:
WorkingPrecision (2)
Evaluate functions using machine-precision arithmetic:
Evaluate functions using arbitrary-precision arithmetic:
Neat Examples (4)
Plot an increasingly-curvy curve:
Elementary function can lead to very complicated patterns:
Plot a bunch of connected circles:
Create intricate non-repeating patterns: