Determine whether a triple of integers constitutes a Pythagorean triple
Contributed by:
Jordan Hasler, Wolfram|Alpha Math Team
Basic Examples (2)
The ordered triple {3, 4, 5} is a Pythagorean triple:
{2, 3, 4} is not a Pythagorean triple:
Options (2)
{5, 4, 3} is not a Pythagorean triple:
Specify that the triple is unordered to determine if any ordering of the numbers is a Pythagorean triple:
Properties and Relations (2)
To determine whether any ordering of potentially noninteger side lengths forms a right triangle, use RightTriangleQ
The integers {5,4,3} can form a right triangle when considered as edge lengths, but do not form a Pythagorean triple due to their ordering:
Wolfram|Alpha Math Team
Version History
– 23 March 2023
– 29 March 2021
– 18 September 2020
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Author Notes
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