Wolfram Function Repository
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Calculate the physical effects of an asteroid impact on Earth based on asteroid composition and velocity
ResourceFunction["EarthAsteroidImpact"][impactordensity,locationdensity,initialimpactordiameter,velocity,distancefromimpact,impactangle] computes impact parameters for an asteroid colliding with Earth. |
"BreakupAltitude" | altitude at which the impactor begins to break up |
"AirburstAltitude" | altitude at which the impactor explodes in an airburst |
"FinalSimpleCraterDiameter" | diameter of the final simple impact crater |
"PeakOverpressure" | peak overpressure |
"BrecciaLenseThickness" | thickness of the breccia lense at the bottom of a simple crater |
"BrecciaLenseVolume" | volume of the breccia lense at the bottom of a simple crater |
"ComplexCraterDepth" | depth of the resulting complex crater |
"ComplexCraterDiameter" | diameter of the resulting complex crater |
"CraterRimHeight" | height of the final crater rim |
"DebrisFieldDiameter" | diameter of the debris field from broken-up impactor |
"EarthRecurrenceInterval" | average time interval between impacts of equivalent energy on the Earth |
"EffectiveSeismicMagnitude" | seismic magnitude |
"EjectaArrivalTime" | ejecta arrival time |
"EjectaThickness" | ejecta thickness |
"FinalSimpleCraterDepth" | depth of the final simple impact crater |
"FireballRadius" | visible fireball radius |
"ImpactEnergy" | impact energy |
"ImpactVelocity" | impact velocity |
"InitialKineticEnergy" | initial kinetic energy |
"IrradiationDuration" | irradiation duration |
"MaximumThermalRadiationTime" | maximum thermal radiation time |
"MeanEjectaParticleDiameter" | mean ejecta particle diameter |
"MeltSheetThickness" | thickness of the melt layer at the bottom of the resulting complex crater |
"MeltVolume" | volume of the melt layer at the bottom of the resulting complex crater |
"PeakWindVelocity" | peak wind velocity |
"SeismicArrivalTime" | seismic arrival time |
"ShockWaveTravelTime" | shock wave travel time |
"ThermalExposure" | thermal exposure |
"TransientCraterDepth" | depth of the initial impact crater |
"TransientCraterDiameter" | diameter of the initial impact crater |
Compute the effects of an asteroid impact on Earth:
In[1]:= |
Out[1]= |
Compute the impact effects of an icy body impacting Earth:
In[2]:= |
Out[2]= |
Compute the effects of an airburst resulting from an asteroid hitting the Earth’s atmosphere:
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
Compute the effects of a 1.75 km diameter, dense asteroid hitting crystalline rock:
In[4]:= |
Out[4]= |
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