Wolfram Function Repository
Instant-use add-on functions for the Wolfram Language
Function Repository Resource:
Compute the additive persistence of an integer
ResourceFunction["AdditivePersistence"][n] returns the additive persistence of n. |
Find the additive persistence of 1191:
In[1]:= |
Out[1]= |
AdditivePersistence threads elementwise over lists:
In[2]:= |
Out[2]= |
Compute the additive persistence of the first 100 integers (OEIS A031286):
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
The result returned by AdditivePersistence can be manually computed using Length with NestWhileList:
In[4]:= |
Out[4]= |
The additive persistence of an integer can also be manually computed with no high-level functions:
In[5]:= |
Out[5]= |
In[6]:= |
Out[6]= |
In[7]:= |
Out[7]= |
In[8]:= |
Out[8]= |
In[9]:= |
Out[9]= |
Because testint3 is a single-digit integer, the process terminates here. Since it took two steps to reach testint3, the additive persistence of testint1=1234 is equal to 2:
In[10]:= |
Out[10]= |
The single-digit integer that marks the end of the digit addition process is called the additive digital root and is returned by the resource function AdditiveDigitalRoot:
In[11]:= |
Out[11]= |
In[12]:= |
Out[12]= |
In[13]:= |
Out[13]= |
In[14]:= |
Out[14]= |
The multiplicative analogue of additive persistence is called multiplicative persistence and is returned by the resource function MultiplicativePersistence:
In[15]:= |
Out[15]= |
In[16]:= |
Out[16]= |
In[17]:= |
Out[17]= |
In[18]:= |
Out[18]= |
AdditivePersistence requires its input to be non-negative:
In[19]:= |
Out[19]= |
The smallest integers with additive persistence equal to 0,1,2,3,4,… (OEIS A006050):
In[20]:= |
Out[20]= |
The smallest integer with additive persistence 5 is known to equal 1 followed by 2222222222222222222222 9’s.
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