Details and Options
The available type thick lenses are biconvex, plano-convex, meniscus, plano-concave, and biconcave.
ResourceFunction["ThickLensManipulate"] follows the sign convention for thick lenses from Hecht, Optics, Pearson, 2015:
Object distance  | (+) real object | (-) virtual object |
Image distance  | (+) real image | (-) virtual image |
Object size | (+) erect object | (-) inverted object |
Image size | (+) erect image | (-) inverted image |
Magnification (M) | (+) erect image | (-) inverted image |
The linear magnification factor of the system is given by the equation

defined as the ratio of the size of the image compared to the size of the object.
ResourceFunction["ThickLensManipulate"] uses the lensmaker’s equation

to calculate the focal length
f of a thick lens in air, where
n is the lens refractive index, and
R1 and
R2 are the lens thickness, and radii of curvature of the lens surfaces respectively, as shown in the following figure:
The arrow in the middle of the rays represents the direction of light and dotted lines the projection of the rays.
Real images and virtual images are represented by a thick-line arrow and a dotted-line arrow, respectively.
assoc], the
Association assoc can contain the following elements:
"LensThickness" | 5 | initial lens thickness |
"Radius1" | 3 | initial radius of the first surface encountered by light, as a multiple of lens thickness |
"Radius2" | -3 | initial radius of the second surface encountered by light, as a multiple of lens thickness |
"RefractiveIndex" | 1.5 | initial refractive index of the lens |
"ObjectSize" | 0.5 | initial object size |
"ObjectDistance" | FocalLength | initial object position |
"LensThickness" and "ObjectDistance" can be a positive numbers or quantities of length.
"RefractiveIndex" can be a number in the range[1,3].
"Radius2" can be
Infinity for plano-concave and plano-convex lenses.
"ObjectSize" can be a number in the range [0,1].
Quantity inputs should have units of length. Results and values in sliders will be shown in the most common unit among the inputs.
ResourceFunction["ThickLensManipulate"][] takes the options of
Graphics and the following:
"RayColor" | Automatic | specify the colors of the rays |
"LensColor" | Automatic | specify the color of the lens |
"ArrowColor" | Automatic | specify the colors of the object and image arrows |
"ShowEquations" | True | set the equations in the graphics object |
"ObjectDistanceRange" | Automatic | specify the range of "ObjectDistance" |
"ObjectSizeRange" | Automatic | specify the range of "ObjectSize" |
"Radius1Range" | Automatic | specify the range of "Radius1" |
"Radius2Range" | Automatic | specify the range of "Radius2" |
"RefractiveIndexRange" | Automatic | specify the range of "RefractiveIndex" |
"LensThicknessRange" | Automatic | specify the range of "LensThickness" |
copy values button copies the current values of "ObjectDistance", "FocalLength", "ImageDistance", and "Magnification" to the clipboard as an