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Produce causal graphs by dynamically triangulating a flat (Minkowski) spacetime
ResourceFunction["FlatSpacetimeTriangulation"][dim,meas] produces a dynamical triangulation of a flat (Minkowski) spacetime of dimension (dim-1)+1 into simplices with maximum measure (e.g. area, volume, etc.) meas. | |
ResourceFunction["FlatSpacetimeTriangulation"][dim,meas,"prop"] gives the property "prop" for the specified flat (Minkowski) spacetime triangulation. |
"CausalGraphFull" | full causal partial-order graph (before transitive reduction) |
"CausalGraph" | transitively reduced causal partial-order graph |
"TriangulatedCausalGraphFull" | full causal partial-order graph using only triangulation edges (before transitive reduction) |
"TriangulatedCausalGraph" | transitively reduced triangulated causal partial-order graph |
"Points" | plot of the points in the triangulation (without causal edges) |
"PointsList" | list of spacetime coordinates of all points in the triangulation |
"PointsCount" | number of points in the triangulation |
"Dimensions" | number of dimensions in the continuum spacetime approximation |
"TriangulatedEdgeList" | list of (undirected) edges that appear in the triangulation of the spacetime surface |
"TriangulatedEdgeCount" | number of (undirected) edges that appear in the triangulation of the spacetime surface |
"MaximumCellMeasure" | maximum measure (e.g. area, volume, etc.) meas of the simplices appearing in the triangulation |
"TotalEdgeCount" | total number of causal edges (before transitive reduction) |
"ReducedEdgeCount" | number of transitively reduced causal edges |
"TotalTriangulatedEdgeCount" | total number of causal edges that are also triangulation edges (before transitive reduction) |
"ReducedTriangulatedEdgeCount" | number of transitively reduced causal edges that are also triangulation edges |
"PureCausalGraphFull" | full causal partial-order graph (before transitive reduction) with vertex coordinate information removed |
"PureCausalGraph" | transitively reduced causal partial-order graph with vertex coordinate information removed |
"PureTriangulatedCausalGraphFull" | full causal partial-order graph using only triangulation edges (before transitive reduction) with vertex coordinate information removed |
"PureTriangulatedCausalGraph" | transitively reduced triangulated causal partial-order graph with vertex coordinate information removed |
"MeshRegion" | mesh region corresponding to the triangulated spacetime surface |
"MeshConnectivityGraph" | connectivity graph of the mesh region corresponding to the triangulated spacetime surface |
"Properties" | list of properties |
Produce a triangulation of a 1+1-dimensional flat (Minkowski) spacetime into simplices of measure (area) up to 0.05:
In[1]:= |
Out[1]= |
Show the causal graph:
In[2]:= |
Out[2]= |
Show the full causal graph (without transitive reduction):
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
Show the causal graph using only triangulation edges:
In[4]:= |
Out[4]= |
Produce a triangulation of a 1+1-dimensional flat (Minkowski) spacetime into smaller simplices of measure (area) up to 0.01 instead:
In[5]:= |
Out[5]= |
Show the causal graph:
In[6]:= |
Out[6]= |
Show the mesh region corresponding to the triangulated spacetime surface:
In[7]:= |
Out[7]= |
Show the connectivity graph of this mesh region:
In[8]:= |
Out[8]= |
Show the full triangulated causal graph (without transitive reduction):
In[9]:= |
Out[9]= |
Produce a triangulation of a 2+1-dimensional flat (Minkowski) spacetime into simplices of measure (volume) up to 1:
In[10]:= |
Out[10]= |
Show the causal graph:
In[11]:= |
Out[11]= |
Show the pure causal graph (with vertex coordinate information removed):
In[12]:= |
Out[12]= |
Show only the pure triangulated causal graph (with vertex coordinate information removed):
In[13]:= |
Out[13]= |
Triangulations can be produced for 0+1-dimensional spacetimes:
In[14]:= |
Out[14]= |
Show the pure causal graph:
In[15]:= |
Out[15]= |
Produce a triangulation of a 1+1-dimensional spacetime:
In[16]:= |
Out[16]= |
Show the pure causal graph:
In[17]:= |
Out[17]= |
Produce a triangulation of a 2+1-dimensional spacetime:
In[18]:= |
Out[18]= |
Show the pure causal graph:
In[19]:= |
Out[19]= |
Properties can be requested directly from FlatSpacetimeTriangulation:
In[20]:= |
Out[20]= |
Produce a triangulation of a 1+1-dimensional flat (Minkowski) spacetime into simplices of measure (area) up to 0.005:
In[21]:= |
Out[21]= |
Show the complete list of properties:
In[22]:= |
Out[22]= |
Show the full causal graph:
In[23]:= |
Out[23]= |
Show the transitively-reduced causal graph:
In[24]:= |
Out[24]= |
Show the full causal graph using only triangulation edges:
In[25]:= |
Out[25]= |
Show the transitively-reduced causal graph using only triangulation edges:
In[26]:= |
Out[26]= |
Plot the positions of the points in the triangulation only (without causal edges):
In[27]:= |
Out[27]= |
Show a complete list of spacetime coordinates for the points in the triangulation (the last coordinate is always the time coordinate):
In[28]:= |
Out[28]= |
Show the number of points in the triangulation:
In[29]:= |
Out[29]= |
Show the number of dimensions in the background spacetime:
In[30]:= |
Out[30]= |
Show the first 50 (undirected) edges in the triangulation of the spacetime surface:
In[31]:= |
Out[31]= |
Show the total number of (undirected) edges in the triangulation of the spacetime surface:
In[32]:= |
Out[32]= |
Show the maximum measure (in this case, area) of the simplices in the triangulation:
In[33]:= |
Out[33]= |
Show the total number of causal edges:
In[34]:= |
Out[34]= |
Show the number of causal edges after transitive reduction:
In[35]:= |
Out[35]= |
Show the total number of causal edges appearing in the triangulation:
In[36]:= |
Out[36]= |
Show the number of causal edges appearing in the triangulation after transitive reduction:
In[37]:= |
Out[37]= |
Show the pure full causal graph (with vertex coordinate information removed):
In[38]:= |
Out[38]= |
Show the pure transitively-reduced causal graph (with vertex coordinate information removed):
In[39]:= |
Out[39]= |
Show the pure full causal graph using only triangulation edges (with vertex coordinate information removed):
In[40]:= |
Out[40]= |
Show the pure transitively-reduced causal graph using only triangulation edges (with vertex coordinate information removed):
In[41]:= |
Out[41]= |
Show the mesh region corresponding to the triangulated spacetime surface:
In[42]:= |
Out[42]= |
Show the connectivity graph of this mesh region:
In[43]:= |
Out[43]= |
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