Basic Examples (2)
Marks for a sparse ruler of length 57:
Check that all differences are covered:
Show spaces between marks in a the full form of a length-396 ruler:
Split the Difference:
Make a series of lists from the compact form of a length-396 ruler:
Show the compact form:
Verify the above shortened form has length 396:
Show the full form for a length-396 ruler:
Scope (4)
Count the number of marks on a length-58 ruler:
The excess of a ruler with length L and M marks is
A reasonable ruler has an excess of 0 or 1:
A list of some rulers with a single mark less than those generated by this function:
Show the length-999 ruler with one fewer marks:
Show how the John Leech upper bound for the number of marks in a complete ruler compares to function-generated rulers:
Generate rulers of length n! and plot the number of marks:
Options (2)
Show the marks for the first 51 rulers:
Show the excess values for the first 51 rulers:
Possible Issues (2)
Show the default shortened form for a length-googol ruler:
Show the number of marks in a length-googol ruler:
Showing the full form of a googol-length ruler isn’t recommended.
Neat Examples (3)
Generate reasonable rulers for various integer powers and calculate their excess:
All rulers to length 213 are minimal. Show a pixel representation of these sparse rulers:
The maximal length for a given number of marks is usually a Wichmann value:
Arrange lengths in columns ending in Wichmann values and bold the lengths with excess 1: