"BIOS" | bios | basic input/output services (BIOS) information |
"BootConfiguration" | bootconfig | boot configuration information |
"CacheMemory" | memcache | cache memory information |
"CDROM" | cdrom | CD-ROM information |
"ComputerSystem" | computersystem | computer system information |
"CPU" | cpu | CPU information |
"Desktop" | desktop | user's desktop information |
"DesktopMonitor" | desktopmonitor | desktop monitor information |
"Directory" | fsdir | filesystem directory entry information |
"DiskDrive" | diskdrive | physical disk drive information |
"DiskQuota" | diskquota | disk space usage for NTFS volumes |
"Environment" | environment | system environment settings |
"Group" | group | group account information |
"HotfixInformation" | qfe | hotfix information (quick-fix engineering) |
"IDEController" | idecontroller | IDE controller information |
"IRQ" | irq | interrupt request line (IRQ) information |
"Job" | job | provides access to the jobs scheduled using the schedule service |
"LoadOrder" | loadorder | information about system services that define execution dependencies |
"LogicalDisk" | logicaldisk | logical storage device information |
"Motherboard" | baseboard | motherboard (baseboard) information |
"NetClient" | netclient | network client information |
"NetLogin" | netlogin | network login information (of a particular user) |
"NetProtocol" | netprotocol | protocols (and their network characteristics) information |
"NetUse" | netuse | active network connection information |
"NetworkInterfaceController" | nic | network interface controller (NIC) information |
"NetworkInterfaceControllerConfiguration" | nicconfig | network adapter information |
"NTDomain" | ntdomain | NT domain information |
"NTEvent" | ntevent | entries in the NT event log |
"OnboardDevice" | onboarddevice | information about devices built into the motherboard |
"OperatingSystem" | os | installed operating system(s) information |
"PageFile" | pagefile | virtual memory file-swapping information |
"PageFileSet" | pagefileset | page file settings information |
"Partition" | partition | information about partitioned areas of a physical disk |
"PhysicalMemory" | memphysical | computer system's physical memory information |
"Printer" | printer | printer device information |
"PrintJob" | printjob | print job information |
"Process" | process | process information |
"Product" | product | installation package task information |
"Properties" | properties | get a list of valid aliases |
"QuotaSetting" | quotasetting | setting information for disk quotas on a volume |
"Registry" | registry | computer system registry information |
"SCSIController" | scsicontroller | SCSI controller information |
"Server" | server | server information |
"Service" | service | service application information |
"Share" | share | shared resource information |
"SoundDevice" | sounddev | sound device information |
"StartUp" | startup | information about commands that run automatically at startup |
"SystemAccount" | sysaccount | system account information |
"SystemDriver" | sysdriver | information about the system driver for a base service |
"SystemEnclosure" | systemenclosure | physical system enclosure information |
"SystemRecoverySettings" | recoveros | information that will be gathered when the operating system fails |
"SystemSlot" | systemslot | information about ports, slots and peripherals |
"TapeDrive" | tapedrive | tape drive information |
"TimeZone" | timezone | time zone data information |
"UserAccount" | useraccount | user account information |