Wolfram Function Repository
Instant-use add-on functions for the Wolfram Language
Function Repository Resource:
Retrieve genome track data accessible in the UCSC Genome Browser database
ResourceFunction["UCSCGenomeTrackData"]["Hubs"] gives the dataset of available public hubs to access assembled genomics information. | |
ResourceFunction["UCSCGenomeTrackData"]["hub","genome"] gives the dataset of available genome tracks from a specified hub and genome. | |
ResourceFunction["UCSCGenomeTrackData"]["hub","genome","track"] gives the track dataset for a specified track from a specified hub and genome. | |
ResourceFunction["UCSCGenomeTrackData"]["hub","genome","track","chromosome"] gives the track dataset for a specified track and chromosome from a specified hub and genome. | |
ResourceFunction["UCSCGenomeTrackData"]["hub","genome","track","chromosome",{start,end}] gives the track dataset for a specified track and chromosome from a specified huband genome. Coordinates of the chromosome are given by the start and end positions. | |
ResourceFunction["UCSCGenomeTrackData"]["hub","genome","track",MetaInformation] gives the metainformation on available track properties for a specified track from a specified hub and genome. |
Retrieve the list of public hubs to access genomics information:
In[1]:= |
Out[1]= |
Retrieve the dataset of available genome tracks from the latest human assemblies in the UCSC Genome Browser database:
In[2]:= |
Out[2]= |
Retrieve the known genes in the human X chromosome:
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
Retrieve pathogenicity information for the specified regions of human chromosome 1:
In[4]:= |
Out[4]= |
Retrieve meta information on properties accessible for a specified genome track:
In[5]:= |
Out[5]= |
Access LIBD Human DLPFC Development hub and retrieve data from the differential expression analysis of the developing human brain:
In[6]:= |
Out[6]= |
Find F-statistics for differential expression regions across six age groups for the chromosome Y:
In[7]:= |
Out[7]= |
Plot the F-values across the length of the chromosome:
In[8]:= |
Out[8]= |
Wolfram Language 13.0 (December 2021) or above
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License