Wolfram Function Repository
Instant-use add-on functions for the Wolfram Language
Function Repository Resource:
Retrieve datasets for statistical analysis and modeling
ResourceFunction["StatisticalExampleData"][name] gives the statistical dataset for for the given name. |
"AmericanNationalElectionStudies1996" | subset of the American National Election Studies of 1996 |
"BreastCancerCountyPopulation" | breast Cancer and county population |
"WilliamGreeneCreditScoring" | William Greene's credit scoring data |
"LungCancerSmokingCoOccurrenceChinaCities" | Co-occurrence of lung cancer and smoking in 8 Chinese cities. |
"MaunaLoaAtmosphericCO2" | Atmospheric CO2 from Continuous Air Samples at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, U.S.A. |
"HouseBillAssignments104thCongress1995" | Number of bill assignments in the 104th House in 1995 |
"WorldCopperMarket1951To1975" | World Copper Market 1951-1975 |
"StateExecutions1997" | Number of state executions in 1997 |
"DanishMoneyDemand" | Danish Money Demand Data |
"PacificOceanAverageMonthlySeaSurfaceTemperature" | averaged monthly sea surface temperature - Pacific Ocean |
"EngelFoodExpenditure" | Engel food expenditure data |
"ExtramaritalAffair" | extramarital affair data |
"TotalFertilityRate" | total fertility rate |
"GrunfeldInvestmentFirm" | Grunfeld (1950) Investment Data for 11 U.S. Firm. |
"HeartTransplantSurvivalTimes" | survival times after receiving a heart transplant |
"GermanInterestInflation" | (West) German interest and inflation rate 1972Q2 - 1998Q4 |
"EconomicGrowthCityEmployment" | economic growth data |
"USMacroeconomicQuarterly" | US Macroeconomic Data for 1959Q1 - 2009Q3 |
"AustraliaCityTravelMode" | travel mode choice between Australian cities |
"NileRiverFlowAshwan" | measurements on the annual flow of the Nile as measured at Ashwan for 100 years from 1871-1970 |
"RandHealthInsuranceExperiment" | the RAND Co. Health Insurance Experiment Data |
"ScottishParliamentTaxationPowersYesVote1997" | taxation Powers' Yes Vote for Scottish Parliament for 1997 |
"PersonalizedInstructionEffectiveness" | experimental data on the effectiveness of the personalized system of instruction (PSI) program |
"StackLossPlant" | stack loss plant data of Brownlee (1965) |
"StudentMathScores" | math scores for 303 student with 10 explanatory factors |
"StateCrime2009" | state crime data 2009 |
"USManufacturingStrikesAndProduction" | data on the length of strikes in US manufacturing and unanticipated industrial production |
"SunspotYearlyNationalGeophysical" | yearly (1700-2008) data on sunspots from the National Geophysical Data Center |
Atmospheric CO2 measurements taken at Mauna Loa:
In[1]:= |
Out[1]= |
Copper market data for the years 1951 to 1975:
In[2]:= |
Out[2]= |
Average monthly sea surface temperatures for the Pacific Ocean:
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
Plot the temperatures for January for each year:
In[4]:= |
Out[4]= |
Wolfram Language 13.0 (December 2021) or above
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License