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One of the more popular functions to describe the conventional correlation for the drag on a sphere in steady motion

Contributed by: Björn Zimmermann


gives the drag (force) coefficient on a sphere in steady motion as a function of the Reynolds number re.

Details and Options

The conventional correlation for the drag on a sphere in steady motion is presented as a graph, called the "standard drag curve", where the drag coefficient CD is plotted as a function of the Reynolds number Re.
Many empirical or semiempirical equations have been proposed to approximate this curve.
Here, a composite of various other range-limited approximations is used.


Basic Examples (2) 

Get the drag coefficient for a Reynolds number well in the laminar flow regime:


Plot the drag (force) coefficient as a function of the Reynolds number. Note the transition to turbulent flow near a Reynolds number of 4×105:

LogLogPlot[ResourceFunction["StandardDragCurve"][re], {re, 1, 10^7}, GridLines -> {10^# & /@ Range[0, 7, 0.1], 10^# & /@ Range[-2, 3, 0.1]}, GridLinesStyle -> Directive[GrayLevel[0.9]],
 Frame -> True]

Version History

  • 1.0.0 – 11 August 2020

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