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Recover a Jacobi matrix from a list of abscissa-weight pairs
ResourceFunction["QuadratureWeightsToJacobiMatrix"][{{x1,w1},{x2,w2},…}] returns a list {j,c}, where j is the Jacobi matrix corresponding to the quadrature rule represented by the abscissa-weight pairs {xi,wi} and normalization factor c. |
The resource function GaussianQuadratureWeights gives a list of abscissa-weight pairs for Gauss-Legendre quadrature:
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Recover the corresponding Jacobi matrix and normalization factor:
In[2]:= |
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Use the resource function GeneralizedGaussianQuadratureWeights to generate a Gauss-Laguerre quadrature rule:
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
Recover the Jacobi matrix and normalization factor from the quadrature data:
In[4]:= |
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Compare the recovered Jacobi matrix with the result of the resource function JacobiMatrix:
In[5]:= |
Out[5]= |
The normalization factor is equal to the sum of the weights:
In[6]:= |
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QuadratureWeightsToJacobiMatrix can be used even on non-Gaussian quadrature rules. Build a Jacobi matrix from a Newton-Cotes rule:
In[7]:= |
Out[7]= |
The resulting Jacobi matrix is unsymmetric because some the weights of the quadrature rule are negative:
In[8]:= |
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A Clenshaw-Curtis rule whose weights are all positive will yield a symmetric Jacobi matrix:
In[9]:= |
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