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Simulate the self-organizing system of the Persian Immortals as described by Herodotus

Contributed by: Sander Huisman


simulates 104 agents where the weakest agent is removed at every step and replaced by a new agent.


simulates 104 agents where n of the weakest agents are removed and replaced by new agents.


simulates 104 agents where n of the weakest agents and m random agents are removed.


starts with an agent population pop.


runs the simulation according to the time specification tspec.


uses the binning specification bins.

Details and Options

The Persian Immortals were an elite army described by the Greek historian and geographer Herodotus while attacking Greece in 480-479 BCE under Xerxes's command. Their name refers to the fact that the size of the army was always kept constant at 10000 by immediately replacing every fallen warrior with a warrior from reserve troops. Because of this tactic, morale was kept high, and the army was actually getting stronger over time.
n determines how many of the weakest agents are removed:
nInteger, remove the n weakest agents.
distUse the distribution dist to determine how many of the weakest agents are removed.
m determines how random agents are removed:
mInteger, remove m agents randomly
distUse the distribution dist to determine how many random agents are removed
{dist}Each agent gets a random threshold between 0 and its fitness. This threshold is then compared to a random attack given by dist. Fitter agents have a higher chance of survival.
pop describes the initial population:
nInteger, n agents of fitnesses linearly chosen between 0 and 1.
AutomaticUse 104 agents of fitnesses linearly chosen between 0 and 1.
{f1, f2,}Use agents with fitness fi (should be between 0 and 1).
tspec describes the time for storing the output:
nInteger, simulate n steps and save data from all timesteps.
{tmin,tmax,Δt}Simulates for tmax steps but saves every Δt steps, starting from tmin.
{{t1, t2,}}Simulates until Max[ti] and saves each ti.
bins should be an integer that describes in how much bins the data should be binned. Fitnesses are assumed to be between 0 and 1.
PersianImmortals takes the following options:
"Repetitions"Automaticnumber of times to simulate
"NewFitness"Automaticfitness for new agents
"Strengthening"Automaticspecifies how the surviving agents strengthen over time
Possible settings for the option "Repetitions" include:
Automaticperform a single simulation
nperform n simulations and average the results
Possible settings for the option "NewFitness" include:
Automaticgenerate agents with random fitnesses uniformly taken between 0 and 1 (UniformDistribution[0,1])
distgenerate agents with random fitnesses taken from the distribution dist
Possible settings for the option "Strengthening" include:
Automaticagents do not become stronger (equivalent to 0)
val≤1after each time step val is added to the fitness and clipped to[0,1]
val>1after each time step the fitness is multiplied by val and clipped to[0,1]
Scaled[val]after each time step the fitness gets a fraction val closer to 1
ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"] returns an Association with the following keys: "Population", "Repetitions", "BinDelimiters", "BinCenters", "BinCounts", "PDFs" and "CDFs".


Basic Examples (4) 

Perform a simulation where, in each time-step, the weakest agent is replaced by a new random agent:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][1];

Visualize the probability density function (PDF) for the fitness of the agents at various times:

ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

At each step remove a random number between 1 and 10 of the weakest agents:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][
   DiscreteUniformDistribution[{1, 10}]];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

At each step remove between 1 and 5 of the weakest agents and between 1 and 3 random agents:

i = ResourceFunction[
   "PersianImmortals"][{DiscreteUniformDistribution[{1, 5}], DiscreteUniformDistribution[{1, 3}]}];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Do not remove the weakest agents, but rather randomly remove agents based on a probabilistic distribution. Each agents creates a random threshold in the Range[0,fitness] and this is compared against a random number given by a distribution:

i = ResourceFunction[
   "PersianImmortals"][{0, {UniformDistribution[{0, 0.5}]}}];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Scope (2) 

Use an army of 100 agents:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 1}, 10^2, Sequence[{0, 400, 40}, "Repetitions" -> 250]];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Use more bins to get more detailed probability density functions:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 1}, 10^4, {0, 15000, 1000}, 250];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Options (7) 

NewFitness (2) 

Use a different fitness distribution for new agents:

dist = TriangularDistribution[{0, 1}, 0];
Plot[PDF[dist, x], {x, 0, 1}]

Use this distribution:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 1}, 10^4, {0, 15000, 1000}, "NewFitness" -> dist];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["CDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["CDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Create agents with a normal distribution that is truncated such that the fitness is always between 0 and 1:

dist = TruncatedDistribution[{0, 1}, NormalDistribution[0.5, 0.25]];
Plot[PDF[dist, x], {x, 0, 1}]

Simulate with this fitness distribution for new agents:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 0}, 10^4, {0, 15000, 1000}, "NewFitness" -> dist];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["CDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["CDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Repetitions (2) 

A single run of the simulation gives jagged results for the probability density function:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 2}, 10^4, {0, 5000, 1000}];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Repeat the simulation and average:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 2}, 10^4, {0, 5000, 1000}, "Repetitions" -> 25];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Strengthening (3) 

In case of survival of an agent, add 0.0001 to their fitness:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 3}, 10^4, {0, 10^4, 1000}, "Strengthening" -> 0.0001, "Repetitions" -> 10];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["CDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["CDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

In case of survival of an agent, multiply their fitness by 1.0003:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 3}, 10^4, {0, 10^4, 1000}, "Strengthening" -> 1.0003, "Repetitions" -> 10];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["CDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["CDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

In case of survival of an agent, improve their fitness by bring it 0.05% closer to 1:

i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 3}, 10^4, {0, 15000, 500}, "Strengthening" -> Scaled[0.0005], "Repetitions" -> 1];
ListLinePlot[Values[i["CDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["CDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}]

Neat Examples (3) 

Find the mean strength of the agents:

ts = Round[10^Range[0, 5, 1/5]];
i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{1, 2}, 10^4, {ts}, "Repetitions" -> 5];

widths = Differences[i["BinDelimiters"]];
meanstrengths = MapApply[Times]/*(# . widths &) /@ Values[i["PDFs"]];
ListLogLinearPlot[{Keys[i["PDFs"]], meanstrengths} // Transpose]

Randomly remove agents based on a small chance:

ts = Round[10^Range[0, 3, 1/5]];
i = ResourceFunction[
   "PersianImmortals"][{0, {UniformDistribution[{0, 0.01}]}}, 10^4, {ts}, "Repetitions" -> 15];
  ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}, ImageSize -> 400, PlotLabel -> "PDF", Frame -> True],
  ListLinePlot[Values[i["CDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["CDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}, ImageSize -> 400, PlotLabel -> "CDF", Frame -> True]
  } // Column

Use a different fitness distribution for new agents:

dist = TriangularDistribution[{0, 1}];
i = ResourceFunction["PersianImmortals"][{2, 1}, 10^4, {0, 15000, 1000}, "Repetitions" -> 10, "NewFitness" -> dist];
  ListLinePlot[Values[i["PDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["PDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}, ImageSize -> 400, PlotLabel -> "PDF", Frame -> True],
  ListLinePlot[Values[i["CDFs"]], PlotLegends -> Keys[i["CDFs"]], PlotRange -> {0, All}, ImageSize -> 400, PlotLabel -> "CDF", Frame -> True]
  } // Column



Version History

  • 1.1.0 – 22 February 2023
  • 1.0.0 – 13 February 2023

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