Named orthogonal polynomials can be specified as strings such as
"Legendre" and
"ChebyshevFirst". Symbols such as
LegendreP and
ChebyshevT are also supported.
Orthogonal polynomials with additional parameters can be specified in the form {"name",c1,…}, such as {"Jacobi",a,b}.
ResourceFunction["OrthogonalPolynomialData"][] and
ResourceFunction["OrthogonalPolynomialData"][All] give a list of all available orthogonal polynomials.
ResourceFunction["OrthogonalPolynomialData"]["Properties"] gives a list of properties available for orthogonal polynomials.
Available properties include:
"DifferenceRoot" | DifferenceRoot representation |
"LeadingCoefficient" | coefficient of the highest-order term |
"MonicRecursionCoefficientB" | recursion coefficient for the monic polynomial |
"MonicRecursionCoefficientC" | recursion coefficient for the monic polynomial |
"NormalizationFactor" | normalization factor |
"OrthogonalityInterval" | interval of orthogonality |
"RecursionCoefficientA" | recursion coefficient an for the polynomial |
"RecursionCoefficientB" | recursion coefficient bn for the polynomial |
"RecursionCoefficientC" | recursion coefficient cn for the polynomial |
"WeightFunction" | weight function |
Orthogonal polynomials pn(x) satisfy a recurrence relation of the form pn+1(x)=(anx+bn)pn(x)+cnpn-1(x), where an, bn and cn respectively correspond to the properties "RecursionCoefficientA", "RecursionCoefficientB" and "RecursionCoefficientC".
Monic polynomials
, where the leading coefficient is 1, can be obtained by dividing a polynomial by the expression corresponding to the property
Monic polynomials
, satisfy a recurrence relation of the form
, where
respectively correspond to the properties
"MonicRecursionCoefficientB" and