Details and Options
Supported elements include the name of any option to
Cell, as a string or a symbol.
Elements can also include any key known to Developer`CellInformation, including "Style", "ContentData", "ContentDataForm", "FirstCellInGroup" and others.
Other supported elements include:
"CellByteCount" | the ByteCount of the cell expression |
"CellMemorySize" | the size in memory for the cell |
"CellContentMemorySize" | the size in memory for the cell content |
"CellImage" | an image of the cell |
"CellRasterSize" | the raster size of the cell, in pixels |
"CellThumbnail" | a thumbnail of the cell |
"CellGroupParent" | the CellObject of the cell's group parent, if any |
"CellGroupChildren" | a list of the cell's group children, if any |
"CellGroupDescendants" | a list of the cell's group children at any depth, if any |
"CellChangeCount" | the number of change events stored for the cell |
"FirstChangeTime" | the earliest recorded change time for the cell |
"LastChangeTime" | the latest recorded change time for the cell |
"CellContainsDynamics" | whether the cell contains explicit dynamic boxes |
"CellObject" | the CellObject of the cell |
"CellExpression" | the Cell expression of the cell |
"CellContents" | the first argument of the Cell expression |
"CellStyle" | a list of the cell's styles |
"CellOptions" | the options of the Cell expression |
When the "CellOptions" element is included, that will result in columns for any options which are directly set for any cell in the target objects.
The default for
elems is
Automatic, which includes
"CellGroupParent" and
"CellGroupChildren".Supported formats include:
When elems is a string, default formatting will return a raw list of data.
Any other elems settings will return a
Dataset by default.
Column headings will always be strings, even for elements specified as a symbol.
Keys are taken to be the corresponding
CellObject expressions.
NotebookCellData supports the following
Method options: