Wolfram Function Repository
Instant-use add-on functions for the Wolfram Language
Function Repository Resource:
Represent a metric tensor (field) for a Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian manifold
ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"]["name",…] represents a named metric tensor "name". | |
ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][{"name",…},…] represents a named parameterized metric tensor "name", with additional parameter(s) specified within a list. | |
ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][d,…] represents a generic d-dimensional (symmetric) metric tensor. | |
ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][…],coords] transforms a specified ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"] into the new coordinate system coords. | |
ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][…],i1,i2] transforms a specified ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"] into one with new indices i1 and i2 (with True representing a covariant index and False representing a contravariant one), raising and lowering existing indices as necessary. | |
ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"][…],coords,i1,i2] transforms a specified ResourceFunction["MetricTensor"] into one with new coordinate system coords and new indices i1 and i2 (with True representing a covariant index and False representing a contravariant one), raising and lowering existing indices as necessary. |
"Symmetric" | a generic 4-dimensional symmetric metric (whose matrix representation is populated with constants of the form gij=gji) |
{"Symmetric",d} | a generic d-dimensional symmetric metric (whose matrix representation is populated with constants of the form gij=gji) |
"SymmetricField" | a generic 4-dimensional symmetric metric tensor field (whose matrix representation is populated with functions of the chosen coordinates of the form gij=gji) |
{"SymmetricField",d} | a generic d-dimensional symmetric metric tensor field (whose matrix representation is populated with functions of the chosen coordinates of the form gij=gji) |
"Asymmetric" | a generic 4-dimensional asymmetric metric (whose matrix representation is populated with constants of the form gij≠gji) |
{"Asymmetric",d} | a generic d-dimensional asymmetric metric (whose matrix representation is populated with constants of the form gij≠gji) |
"AsymmetricField" | a generic 4-dimensional asymmetric metric tensor field (whose matrix representation is populated with functions of the chosen coordinates of the form gij≠gji) |
{"AsymmetricField",d} | a generic d-dimensional asymmetric metric tensor field (whose matrix representation is populated with functions of the chosen coordinates of the form gij≠gji) |
"Euclidean" | the metric for 3-dimensional flat/Euclidean space in Cartesian coordinates |
{"Euclidean",d} | the metric for d-dimensional flat/Euclidean space in Cartesian coordinates |
"Minkowski" | the metric for 4-dimensional (or 1+3-dimensional) flat/Minkowski spacetime in Cartesian coordinates |
{"Minkowski",d} | the metric for d-dimensional (or 1+(d-1)-dimensional) flat/Minkowski spacetime in Cartesian coordinates |
"Schwarzschild" | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding an uncharged, spherically-symmetric, non-rotating mass distribution (e.g. an uncharged, non-rotating black hole) in Schwarzschild/spherical polar coordinates, with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"Schwarzschild",M} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding an uncharged, spherically-symmetric, non-rotating mass distribution (e.g. an uncharged, non-rotating black hole) in Schwarzschild/spherical polar coordinates, with numerical mass M |
"IsotropicSchwarzschild" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in isotropic coordinates (i.e. the Cartesian-like coordinate system in which radial distances are defined such that light cones appear round), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"IsotropicSchwarzschild",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in isotropic coordinates (i.e. the Cartesian-like coordinate system in which radial distances are defined such that light cones appear round), with numerical mass M |
"EddingtonFinkelstein" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system adapted to radial lightlike geodesics), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"EddingtonFinkelstein",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system adapted to radial lightlike geodesics), with numerical mass M |
"IngoingEddingtonFinkelstein" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system adapted to inward-traveling radial lightlike geodesics), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"IngoingEddingtonFinkelstein",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system adapted to inward-traveling radial lightlike geodesics), with numerical mass M |
"OutgoingEddingtonFinkelstein" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in outgoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system adapted to outward-traveling radial lightlike geodesics), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"OutgoingEddingtonFinkelstein",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in outgoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system adapted to outward-traveling radial lightlike geodesics), with numerical mass M |
"GullstrandPainleve" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system whose time coordinate follows the proper time of a free-falling observer from infinity), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"GullstrandPainleve",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system whose time coordinate follows the proper time of a free-falling observer from infinity), with numerical mass M |
"IngoingGullstrandPainleve" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in ingoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system whose time coordinate follows the proper time of a free-falling observer, falling inwards from infinity), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"IngoingGullstrandPainleve",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in ingoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system whose time coordinate follows the proper time of a free-falling observer, falling inwards from infinity), with numerical mass M |
"OutgoingGullstrandPainleve" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in outgoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system whose time coordinate follows the proper time of a free-falling observer, falling outwards to infinity), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"OutgoingGullstrandPainleve",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in outgoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system whose time coordinate follows the proper time of a free-falling observer, falling outwards to infinity), with numerical mass M |
"KruskalSzekeres" | the Schwarzschild metric represented in Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system that covers the entire spacetime manifold of the maximal analytic extension of the Schwarzschild solution), with purely symbolic mass "M" |
{"KruskalSzekeres",M} | the Schwarzschild metric represented in Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates (i.e. the coordinate system that covers the entire spacetime manifold of the maximal analytic extension of the Schwarzschild solution), with numerical mass M |
"Kerr" | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding an uncharged, axially-symmetric, rotating mass distribution (e.g. an uncharged, spinning black hole) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates, with purely symbolic mass "M" and purely symbolic angular momentum "J" |
{"Kerr",M} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding an uncharged, axially-symmetric, rotating mass distribution (e.g. an uncharged, spinning black hole) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates, with numerical mass M and purely symbolic angular momentum "J" |
{"Kerr",M,J} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding an uncharged, axially-symmetric, rotating mass distribution (e.g. an uncharged, spinning black hole) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates, with numerical mass M and numerical angular momentum J |
"ReissnerNordstrom" | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding a charged, spherically-symmetric, non-rotating mass distribution (e.g. a charged, non-rotating black hole) in Schwarzschild/spherical polar coordinates, with purely symbolic (total) mass "M" and purely symbolic electric charge "Q" |
{"ReissnerNordstrom",M} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding a charged, spherically-symmetric, non-rotating mass distribution (e.g. a charged, non-rotating black hole) in Schwarzschild/spherical polar coordinates, with numerical (total) mass M and purely symbolic electric charge "Q" |
{"ReissnerNordstrom",M,Q} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding a charged, spherically-symmetric, non-rotating mass distribution (e.g. a charged, non-rotating black hole) in Schwarzschild/spherical polar coordinates, with numerical (total) mass M and numerical electric charge Q |
"KerrNewman" | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding a charged, axially-symmetric, rotating mass distribution (e.g. a charged, spinning black hole) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates, with purely symbolic (total) mass "M", purely symbolic angular momentum "J" and purely symbolic electric charge "Q" |
{"KerrNewman",M} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding a charged, axially-symmetric, rotating mass distribution (e.g. a charged, spinning black hole) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates, with numerical (total) mass M, purely symbolic angular momentum "J" and purely symbolic electric charge "Q" |
{"KerrNewman",M,J} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding a charged, axially-symmetric, rotating mass distribution (e.g. a charged, spinning black hole) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates, with numerical (total) mass M, numerical angular momentum J and purely symbolic electric charge "Q" |
{"KerrNewman",M,J,Q} | the metric describing the exterior spacetime geometry surrounding a charged, axially-symmetric, rotating mass distribution (e.g. a charged, spinning black hole) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates, with numerical (total) mass M, numerical angular momentum J and numerical electric charge Q |
"Godel" | the metric describing the spacetime geometry of a rotating, dust-filled universe in Gödel's Cartesian-like coordinates, with purely symbolic angular velocity "" |
{"Godel",ω} | the metric describing the spacetime geometry of a rotating, dust-filled universe in Gödel's Cartesian-like coordinates, with numerical angular velocity ω |
"FLRW" | the metric describing the spacetime geometry of a homogeneous, isotropic universe which is either contracting or expanding in spherical polar coordinates, with purely symbolic global curvature "k" and purely symbolic scale factor "a" (treated as a function of coordinate time) |
{"FLRW",k} | the metric describing the spacetime geometry of a homogeneous, isotropic universe which is either contracting or expanding in spherical polar coordinates, with numerical global curvature k and purely symbolic scale factor "a" (treated as a function of coordinate time) |
{"FLRW",k,a} | the metric describing the spacetime geometry of a homogeneous, isotropic universe which is either contracting or expanding in spherical polar coordinates, with numerical global curvature k and numerical scale factor a (treated as a function of coordinate time) |
"MatrixRepresentation" | metric tensor represented in explicit matrix form |
"ReducedMatrixRepresentation" | metric tensor represented in explicit matrix form, modulo all tensor equivalences |
"Coordinates" | list of coordinate symbols for the metric tensor |
"CoordinateOneForms" | list of differential 1-form symbols for the coordinates of the metric tensor |
"Indices" | list of booleans specifying whether each index is lowered/covariant (True) or raised/contravariant (False) |
"CovariantQ" | whether the metric tensor is covariant (i.e. both indices are lowered/covariant) |
"ContravariantQ" | whether the metric tensor is contravariant (i.e. both indices are raised/contravariant) |
"MixedQ" | whether the metric tensor is mixed (i.e. one index is lowered/covariant and one index is raised/contravariant) |
"Symbol" | symbolic representation of the metric tensor with appropriately raised/lowered indices |
"Dimensions" | number of dimensions of the manifold/spacetime represented by the metric tensor |
"SymmetricQ" | whether the metric tensor is symmetric (i.e. is represented by a symmetric matrix in covariant form) |
"DiagonalQ" | whether the metric tensor is diagonal (i.e. is represented by a diagonal matrix in covariant form) |
"Signature" | list of +1s and -1s designating the signature of the metric tensor (+1 for each positive eigenvalue, -1 for each negative eigenvalue) |
"RiemannianQ" | whether the metric tensor describes a Riemannian manifold (i.e. all eigenvalues have the same sign) |
"PseudoRiemannianQ" | whether the metric tensor describes a pseudo-Riemannian manifold (i.e. all eigenvalues are non-zero, but not all have the same sign) |
"LorentzianQ" | whether the metric tensor describes a Lorentzian manifold (i.e. all eigenvalues have the same sign, except for one eigenvalue which has the opposite sign) |
"RiemannianConditions" | list of conditions required to guarantee that the manifold described by the metric tensor is Riemannian (i.e. all eigenvalues are positive) |
"PseudoRiemannianConditions" | list of conditions required to guarantee that the manifold described by the metric tensor is pseudo-Riemannian (i.e. all eigenvalues are non-zero) |
"LorentzianConditions" | list of conditions required to guarantee that the manifold described by the metric tensor is Lorentzian (i.e. the "time" eigenvalue is negative and all other eigenvalues are positive) |
"MetricSingularities" | list of possible coordinate values that cause the metric tensor to become singular |
"Determinant" | determinant of the metric tensor (represented in covariant matrix form) |
"ReducedDeterminant" | determinant of the metric tensor (represented in covariant matrix form), modulo all tensor equivalences |
"Trace" | trace of the metric tensor |
"ReducedTrace" | trace of the metric tensor, modulo all tensor equivalences |
"Eigenvalues" | eigenvalues of the metric tensor (represented in covariant matrix form) |
"ReducedEigenvalues" | eigenvalues of the metric tensor (represented in covariant matrix form), modulo all tensor equivalences |
"Eigenvectors" | eigenvectors of the metric tensor (represented in covariant matrix form) |
"ReducedEigenvectors" | eigenvectors of the metric tensor (represented in covariant matrix form), modulo all tensor equivalences |
"MetricTensor" | covariant form of the metric tensor (i.e. both indices are lowered/covariant) |
"InverseMetricTensor" | contravariant form of the metric tensor (i.e. both indices are raised/contravariant) |
"LineElement" | metric tensor represented as a line element (i.e. an algebraic relationship between "ds" and the differential 1-form symbols for the coordinates) |
"ReducedLineElement" | metric tensor represented as a line element (i.e. an algebraic relationship between "ds" and the differential 1-form symbols for the coordinates), modulo all tensor equivalences |
"VolumeForm" | volume form on the manifold (i.e. an algebraic relationship between "dV" and the determinant of the metric tensor) |
"ReducedVolumeForm" | volume form on the manifold (i.e. an algebraic relationship between "dV" and the determinant of the metric tensor), modulo all tensor equivalences |
"TimelikeQ" | pure function to determine whether a given tangent vector is timelike (i.e. lies strictly on the interior of a light cone), for a pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor |
"LightlikeQ" | pure function to determine whether a given tangent vector is lightlike (i.e. lies on the boundary of a light cone), for a pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor |
"SpacelikeQ" | pure function to determine whether a given tangent vector is spacelike (i.e. lies strictly on the exterior of a light cone), for a pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor |
"LengthPureFunction" | pure function to determine the length of a given tangent vector, for an arbitrary metric tensor |
"AnglePureFunction" | pure function to determine the angle between two given tangent vectors, for an arbitrary metric tensor |
"Properties" | list of properties |
Construct a Schwarzschild metric (e.g. for an uncharged, non-rotating black hole with symbolic mass "M") in standard spherical polar coordinates:
In[1]:= |
Out[1]= |
Show the Schwarzschild metric in explicit matrix form:
In[2]:= |
Out[2]= |
Show the spacetime line element for the Schwarzschild metric:
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
Show the volume form for the Schwarzschild metric:
In[4]:= |
Out[4]= |
Show the reduced volume form for the Schwarzschild metric, with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[5]:= |
Out[5]= |
Show the list of Schwarzschild coordinate symbols:
In[6]:= |
Out[6]= |
Show the list of differential 1-form symbols for each of the Schwarzschild coordinates:
In[7]:= |
Out[7]= |
Show the list of coordinate values that cause the Schwarzschild metric to become singular:
In[8]:= |
Out[8]= |
Show the list of coordinate conditions that must hold for the Schwarzschild metric to be Lorentzian:
In[9]:= |
Out[9]= |
Construct the same (Schwarzschild) metric in spherical polar coordinates, but with numerical mass 1, coordinate symbols t, r, a1 and a2, and both indices raised/contravariant:
In[10]:= |
Out[10]= |
Show the explicit matrix form:
In[11]:= |
Out[11]= |
Show the reduced explicit matrix form, with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[12]:= |
Out[12]= |
Show the spacetime line element:
In[13]:= |
Out[13]= |
Show the reduced spacetime line element, with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[14]:= |
Out[14]= |
Construct the same (Schwarzschild) metric in isotropic coordinates, in which all light cones appear round:
In[15]:= |
Out[15]= |
In[16]:= |
Out[16]= |
Show the list of metric singularities:
In[17]:= |
Out[17]= |
Show that the coordinate singularity at the event horizon disappears when using Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates:
In[18]:= |
Out[18]= |
In[19]:= |
Out[19]= |
In[20]:= |
Out[20]= |
Or Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates:
In[21]:= |
Out[21]= |
In[22]:= |
Out[22]= |
In[23]:= |
Out[23]= |
Construct a Kerr-Newman metric (e.g. for a charged, spinning black hole with symbolic mass "M", symbolic angular momentum "J" and symbolic electric charge "Q") in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
In[24]:= |
Out[24]= |
In[25]:= |
Out[25]= |
Show the explicit matrix form, with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[26]:= |
Out[26]= |
Extract the time-time component of the Kerr-Newman metric:
In[27]:= |
Out[27]= |
Extract the first row of the Kerr-Newman metric in matrix form:
In[28]:= |
Out[28]= |
Extract the first column of the Kerr-Newman metric in matrix form:
In[29]:= |
Out[29]= |
Show the list of metric singularities:
In[30]:= |
Out[30]= |
Compute the length of the 4-vector {-1,1,0,0} in the Kerr-Newman geometry:
In[31]:= |
Out[31]= |
Compute the angle between the 4-vectors {-1,1,0,0} and {-1/2,1/2,1/2,0} in the Kerr-Newman geometry:
In[32]:= |
Out[32]= |
Show the pure function for determining lengths of 4-vectors in the Kerr-Newman geometry:
In[33]:= |
Out[33]= |
Show the pure function for determining angles between 4-vectors in the Kerr-Newman geometry:
In[34]:= |
Out[34]= |
Applying this pure function directly to the same pair of 4-vectors as above gives the same result:
In[35]:= |
Out[35]= |
Show the pure function for determining whether a 4-vector is timelike (i.e. lies strictly on the interior of a light cone):
In[36]:= |
Out[36]= |
Determine the conditions under which the 4-vector {-1,1,0,0} is spacelike:
In[37]:= |
Out[37]= |
Show that, in the limit as the angular momentum parameter goes to zero, the Kerr-Newman metric becomes equivalent to the Reissner-Nordström metric (e.g. for a charged, non-rotating black hole):
In[38]:= |
Out[38]= |
Show that, in the limit as the electric charge parameter goes to zero, the Kerr-Newman metric becomes equivalent to the Kerr metric (e.g. for an uncharged, spinning black hole):
In[39]:= |
Out[39]= |
Show that, in the limit as the angular momentum and electric charge parameters both go to zero, the Kerr-Newman metric becomes equivalent to the Schwarzschild metric:
In[40]:= |
Out[40]= |
Construct a metric tensor from a random symmetric matrix:
In[41]:= |
Out[43]= |
In[44]:= |
Out[44]= |
Determine whether the metric is Lorentzian:
In[45]:= |
Out[45]= |
Determine whether the metric is Riemannian:
In[46]:= |
Out[46]= |
Determine whether the metric is pseudo-Riemannian:
In[47]:= |
Out[47]= |
Construct a metric tensor for 8-dimensional (i.e. 1+7-dimensional) Minkowski space in Cartesian coordinates:
In[48]:= |
Out[48]= |
In[49]:= |
Out[49]= |
Show that the Minkowski metric is Lorentzian:
In[50]:= |
Out[50]= |
Construct the most general 5-dimensional (symmetric) metric tensor:
In[51]:= |
Out[51]= |
In[52]:= |
Out[52]= |
In[53]:= |
Out[53]= |
Construct the most general 5-dimensional (asymmetric) metric tensor:
In[54]:= |
Out[54]= |
In[55]:= |
Out[55]= |
In[56]:= |
Out[56]= |
Construct the most general 5-dimensional (asymmetric) metric tensor field:
In[57]:= |
Out[57]= |
In[58]:= |
Out[58]= |
In[59]:= |
Out[59]= |
Construct a Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric for a homogeneous, isotropic and uniformly-expanding/contracting universe, with symbolic curvature parameter "k" and symbolic scale factor "a", in standard spherical polar coordinates:
In[60]:= |
Out[60]= |
In[61]:= |
Out[61]= |
Compute the inverse metric tensor (with both indices raised/contravariant):
In[62]:= |
Out[62]= |
In[63]:= |
Out[63]= |
In[64]:= |
Out[64]= |
In[65]:= |
Out[65]= |
Show that having one index raised/contravariant and one index lowered/covariant yields the identity tensor:
In[66]:= |
Out[66]= |
In[67]:= |
Out[67]= |
In[68]:= |
Out[68]= |
In[69]:= |
Out[69]= |
Transform to use the new coordinate symbols t, r, a1 and a2:
In[70]:= |
Out[70]= |
In[71]:= |
Out[71]= |
Transform to use the new coordinate symbols t, r, a1 and a2, and raise both indices, simultaneously:
In[72]:= |
Out[72]= |
In[73]:= |
Out[73]= |
Metric tensors can be constructed directly from a matrix representation:
In[74]:= |
Out[74]= |
In[75]:= |
Out[75]= |
Additional arguments can be used to specify the coordinate names (otherwise default symbols will be chosen automatically):
In[76]:= |
Out[76]= |
In[77]:= |
Out[77]= |
Or the indices (True for lowered/covariant and False for raised/contravariant - otherwise both indices will be set as lowered/covariant by default):
In[78]:= |
Out[78]= |
In[79]:= |
Out[79]= |
Or both simultaneously:
In[80]:= |
Out[80]= |
In[81]:= |
Out[81]= |
In[82]:= |
Out[82]= |
Common metric tensors can also be constructed using an in-built name:
In[83]:= |
Out[83]= |
In[84]:= |
Out[84]= |
When an in-built/named metric has one or more parameters, those parameters can be left unspecified (in which case they are filled with purely symbolic defaults, such as "M"):
In[85]:= |
Out[85]= |
In[86]:= |
Out[86]= |
Otherwise, they can be specified explicitly in list form:
In[87]:= |
Out[87]= |
In[88]:= |
Out[88]= |
If only some parameters are explicitly specified, then the remainder are filled with symbolic defaults (e.g. if one specifies only a numerical mass and a numerical angular momentum for the Kerr-Newman metric, then MetricTensor will use a purely symbolic electric charge, namely "Q"):
In[89]:= |
Out[89]= |
In[90]:= |
Out[90]= |
Coordinate and index information can also be specified for in-built/named metrics:
In[91]:= |
Out[91]= |
In[92]:= |
Out[92]= |
In[93]:= |
Out[93]= |
New coordinate symbols can be specified for any metric tensor:
In[94]:= |
Out[94]= |
In[95]:= |
Out[95]= |
In[96]:= |
Out[96]= |
In[97]:= |
Out[97]= |
Indices can also be raised and lowered on any metric tensor:
In[98]:= |
Out[98]= |
In[99]:= |
Out[99]= |
In[100]:= |
Out[100]= |
In[101]:= |
Out[101]= |
New coordinate symbols and new index positions can also be specified simultaneously:
In[102]:= |
Out[102]= |
In[103]:= |
Out[103]= |
In[104]:= |
Out[104]= |
Show the list of all in-built/named metric tensors:
In[105]:= |
Out[105]= |
Construct a generic 4-dimensional symmetric metric (default):
In[106]:= |
Out[106]= |
Construct a generic 5-dimensional symmetric metric:
In[107]:= |
Out[107]= |
CallingMetricTensor[d] is a shorthand version, equivalent to calling MetricTensor[{"Symmetric",d}]:
In[108]:= |
Out[108]= |
Construct a generic 4-dimensional symmetric metric tensor field (default):
In[109]:= |
Out[109]= |
Construct a generic 5-dimensional symmetric metric tensor field:
In[110]:= |
Out[110]= |
Construct a generic 4-dimensional asymmetric metric (default):
In[111]:= |
Out[111]= |
Construct a generic 5-dimensional asymmetric metric:
In[112]:= |
Out[112]= |
Construct a generic 4-dimensional asymmetric metric tensor field (default):
In[113]:= |
Out[113]= |
Construct a generic 5-dimensional asymmetric metric tensor field:
In[114]:= |
Out[114]= |
Construct the metric for 3-dimensional flat/Euclidean space (default) in Cartesian coordinates:
In[115]:= |
Out[115]= |
Construct the metric for 7-dimensional flat/Euclidean space in Cartesian coordinates:
In[116]:= |
Out[116]= |
Construct the metric for 4-dimensional (i.e. 1+3-dimensional) Minkowski space (default) in Cartesian coordinates:
In[117]:= |
Out[117]= |
Construct the metric for 7-dimensional (i.e. 1+6-dimensional) Minkowski space in Cartesian coordinates:
In[118]:= |
Out[118]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry, e.g. the exterior spacetime of an uncharged, non-rotating black hole, with symbolic mass "M" (default) in spherical polar coordinates:
In[119]:= |
Out[119]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in spherical polar coordinates:
In[120]:= |
Out[120]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in Cartesian-like/isotropic coordinates, in which all light cones appear round:
In[121]:= |
Out[121]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in Cartesian-like/isotropic coordinates:
In[122]:= |
Out[122]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, adapted to radial lightlike geodesics:
In[123]:= |
Out[123]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates:
In[124]:= |
Out[124]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, adapted to inward-traveling radial lightlike geodesics:
In[125]:= |
Out[125]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates:
In[126]:= |
Out[126]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in outgoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates, adapted to outward-traveling radial lightlike geodesics:
In[127]:= |
Out[127]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in outgoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates:
In[128]:= |
Out[128]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates, in which coordinate time is the proper time experienced by a free-falling observer from infinity:
In[129]:= |
Out[129]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates:
In[130]:= |
Out[130]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in ingoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates, in which coordinate time is the proper time experienced by a free-falling observer, falling inwards from infinity:
In[131]:= |
Out[131]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in ingoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates:
In[132]:= |
Out[132]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in outgoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates, in which coordinate time is the proper time experienced by a free-falling observer, falling outwards to infinity:
In[133]:= |
Out[133]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in outgoing Gullstrand-Painlevé coordinates:
In[134]:= |
Out[134]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with symbolic mass "M" (default) in Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates, which cover the complete spacetime manifold for the maximal analytic extension of the Schwarzschild metric:
In[135]:= |
Out[135]= |
Construct the metric for the Schwarzschild geometry with numerical mass 1 in Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates:
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Construct the metric for the Kerr geometry, e.g. the exterior spacetime of an uncharged, spinning black hole, with symbolic mass "M" and symbolic angular momentum "J" (default) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
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Construct the metric for the Kerr geometry with numerical mass 1 and symbolic angular momentum "J" in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
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Construct the metric for the Kerr geometry with numerical mass 1 and numerical angular momentum 1/2 in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
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Construct the metric for the Reissner-Nordström geometry, e.g. the exterior spacetime of a charged, non-rotating black hole, with symbolic mass "M" and symbolic electric charge "Q" (default) in spherical polar coordinates:
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Construct the metric for the Reissner-Nordström geometry with numerical mass 1 and symbolic electric charge "Q" in spherical polar coordinates:
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Construct the metric for the Reissner-Nordström geometry with numerical mass 1 and numerical electric charge 1/3 in spherical polar coordinates:
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Construct the metric for the Kerr-Newman geometry, e.g. the exterior spacetime of a charged, spinning black hole, with symbolic mass "M", symbolic angular momentum "J" and symbolic electric charge "Q" (default) in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
In[143]:= |
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Construct the metric for the Kerr-Newman geometry with numerical mass 1, symbolic angular momentum "J" and symbolic electric charge "Q" in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
In[144]:= |
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Construct the metric for the Kerr-Newman geometry with numerical mass 1, numerical angular momentum 1/2 and symbolic electric charge "Q" in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
In[145]:= |
Out[145]= |
Construct the metric for the Kerr-Newman geometry with numerical mass 1, numerical angular momentum 1/2 and numerical electric charge 1/3 in Boyer-Lindquist/oblate spheroidal coordinates:
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Out[146]= |
Construct the Gödel metric, i.e. the metric for a rotating, dust-filled universe, with symbolic angular velocity "" (default) in Gödel's Cartesian-like coordinates:
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Construct the Gödel metric with numerical angular velocity 1/2 in Gödel's Cartesian-like coordinates:
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Construct the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker/FLRW metric, i.e. the metric for a homogeneous, isotropic and uniformly expanding/contracting universe, with symbolic global curvature "k" and symbolic scale function "a" (default) in spherical polar coordinates:
In[149]:= |
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Construct the FLRW metric with numerical global curvature -1 and symbolic scale function "a" in spherical polar coordinates:
In[150]:= |
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Construct the FLRW metric with numerical global curvature -1 and numerical scale function (#*3)& in spherical polar coordinates:
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Construct a Schwarzschild metric, with symbolic mass "M":
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Show the list of properties:
In[153]:= |
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Show the explicit matrix representation of the metric tensor:
In[154]:= |
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Show the explicit matrix representation of the metric tensor, with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[155]:= |
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Show the list of coordinate symbols for the metric tensor:
In[156]:= |
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Show the list of differential 1-form symbols for the coordinates of the metric tensor:
In[157]:= |
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Show the list of booleans specifying the positions of the indices of the metric tensor (True for lowered/covariant and False for raised/contravariant):
In[158]:= |
Out[158]= |
Determine whether the metric tensor is covariant (i.e. both indices are lowered/covariant):
In[159]:= |
Out[159]= |
Determine whether the metric tensor is contravariant (i.e. both indices are raised/contravariant):
In[160]:= |
Out[160]= |
Determine whether the metric tensor is mixed (i.e. one index is lowered/covariant and one index is raised/contravariant):
In[161]:= |
Out[161]= |
Show a symbolic representation of the metric tensor with appropriately raised/lowered indices:
In[162]:= |
Out[162]= |
Show the number of dimensions of the underlying manifold represented by the metric tensor:
In[163]:= |
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Determine whether the metric tensor is symmetric (in explicit, covariant matrix form):
In[164]:= |
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Determine whether the metric tensor is diagonal (in explicit, covariant matrix form):
In[165]:= |
Out[165]= |
Show the signature of the metric tensor (with +1s representing positive eigenvalues and -1s representing negative eigenvalues):
In[166]:= |
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Determine whether the metric tensor is Riemannian (i.e. all eigenvalues have the same sign):
In[167]:= |
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Determine whether the metric tensor is pseudo-Riemannian (i.e. all eigenvalues are non-zero, but not all have the same sign):
In[168]:= |
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Determine whether the metric tensor is Lorentzian (i.e. all eigenvalues have the same sign, except for one eigenvalue which has the opposite sign):
In[169]:= |
Out[169]= |
Show the list of conditions on the coordinates required to guarantee that the metric tensor is Riemannian (i.e. all eigenvalues are positive):
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Show the list of conditions on the coordinates required to guarantee that the metric tensor is pseudo-Riemannian (i.e. all eigenvalues are non-zero):
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Show the list of conditions on the coordinates required to guarantee that the metric tensor is Lorentzian (i.e. the "time" eigenvalue is negative, and all other eigenvalues are positive):
In[172]:= |
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Show the list of coordinate values that cause the metric tensor to become singular:
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Show the determinant of the metric tensor (when represented as a covariant matrix):
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Show the determinant of the metric tensor (when represented as a covariant matrix), with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
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Show the trace of the metric tensor:
In[176]:= |
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Show the trace of the metric tensor, with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[177]:= |
Out[177]= |
Show the eigenvalues of the metric tensor (when represented as a covariant matrix):
In[178]:= |
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Show the eigenvalues of the metric tensor (when represented as a covariant matrix), with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[179]:= |
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Show the eigenvectors of the metric tensor (when represented as a covariant matrix):
In[180]:= |
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Show the eigenvectors of the metric tensor (when represented as a covariant matrix), with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[181]:= |
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Compute the covariant form of the metric tensor (with both indices lowered/covariant):
In[182]:= |
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Compute the contravariant form of the metric tensor (with both indices raised/contravariant), otherwise known as the inverse metric tensor:
In[183]:= |
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Show the spacetime line element for the metric tensor (i.e. the algebraic relationship between "ds" and the differential 1-form symbols for the coordinates):
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Show the spacetime line element for the metric tensor (i.e. the algebraic relationship between "ds" and the differential 1-form symbols for the coordinates), with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
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Show the volume form (i.e. the algebraic relationship between "dV" and the determinant of the metric tensor):
In[186]:= |
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Show the volume form (i.e. the algebraic relationship between "dV" and the determinant of the metric tensor), with all algebraic equivalences imposed:
In[187]:= |
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Show the pure function for determining whether tangent vectors are timelike (i.e. whether they lie strictly on the interiors of light cones) for a pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor:
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Show the pure function for determining whether tangent vectors are lightlike (i.e. whether they lie on the boundaries of light cones) for a pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor:
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Show the pure function for determining whether tangent vectors are spacelike (i.e. whether they lie strictly on the exteriors of light cones) for a pseudo-Riemannian metric tensor:
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Show the pure function for determining the lengths of tangent vectors for an arbitrary metric tensor:
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Show the pure function for determining the angles between pairs of tangent vectors for an arbitrary metric tensor:
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