Wolfram Function Repository
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Compute the Laplace–Beltrami operator of a mesh region
ResourceFunction["LaplaceBeltramiOperator"][mr] generates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for the mesh region mr. |
A mesh representing the Space Shuttle:
In[1]:= |
Out[1]= |
Compute the eigensystem of the Laplace-Beltrami operator:
In[2]:= |
Plot the eigenvalues:
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
Visualize the eigenvectors on the mesh region:
In[4]:= |
Out[4]= |
The Laplace-Beltrami operator can be used to compute how the heat is diffused on a surface. In this example, the heat kernel signature (HKS) is computed from a heat impulse:
In[5]:= |
Out[6]= |
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