Basic Examples (2)
The points forming a 1st-step Koch curve:
A 1st-step Koch curve visualization:
Visualizations of the 2nd through 5th-step Koch curves:
A 2nd-step Koch curve in 3 dimensions:
Scope (5)
Form Koch curves over a 2D list of points:
Form Koch curves over a 3D list of points:
Change the path direction of the 2D Koch curve:
Change the path angle of the 3D Koch curve:
A representation of how the angle rotates the 3D Koch curve, where the 0 angle is in black:
The 0th-step Koch Curve does not introduce any new points:
Options (2)
Setting "ExactValues" to False causes the output to be imprecise:
Imprecise outputs are much faster to compute:
Applications (2)
Form a Koch snowflake by specifying the corner points:
Invert the Koch snowflake:
A matrix of the first six steps of Koch snowflakes from the first six regular polygons:
Properties and Relations (1)
The Koch snowflake can be generated with either KochCurve or KochCurvePoints:
Possible Issues (1)
If a point or the value of the orientation is inexact, then parts of the output will return inexact:
Neat Examples (4)
Increasing the density of lines gives the impression of a solid object:
Visualize the increasing detail of higher-step Koch curves:
Apply the Koch Curve to other named curves:
An overlap of the Koch Snowflakes generated from the first 10 regular polygons:
The same Koch Snowflakes when the orientation is reversed: