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HighlighterPalette (1.0.0) current version: 1.0.1 »

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Create a palette with a button and a color slider for setting a background color in the selection

Contributed by: Jayanta Phadikar and Kunal Khadke  |  Kunal Khadke


creates a palette with a button and a color slider for setting the background color of a selection.


The typical way to highlight is to use the menu item FormatBackground Color and then select a color. The palette is helpful for quickly and conveniently highlighting different pieces of code and text while creating a presentation.


Basic Examples (3) 

Create the palette:


Select the relevant parts to be highlighted, choose a color using the color slider and click the Highlight button:

Plot[{x^(1/4), x^(3/4), x^(3/2), x^(7/2)}, {x, 0, 2},
 PlotStyle -> {Thick, Automatic, Red, Dashed}, PlotLegends -> Automatic

Highlight both code and text:

Manipulate[x^2, {x, 1, 100}]

Version History

  • 1.0.1 – 19 July 2022
  • 1.0.0 – 17 August 2021

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