Wolfram Function Repository
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Function Repository Resource:
Convert Dutch RD coordinates to GeoPosition objects
ResourceFunction["FromRDCoordinates"][{x,y}] converts the Dutch RD coordinates {x,y} to GeoPosition objects. |
Plot the waterways of The Netherlands using data from www.pdok.nl given in RD coordinates:
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Using FromRDCoordinates and the resource function ToRDCoordinates we can convert from and to RD coordinates:
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The "origin" of the RD coordinates is somewhere in France:
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The closest city is La Celle-Saint-Cyr:
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The coordinates are valid only within the border given by the following RD coordinates:
In[8]:= |
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Asking for a coordinate outside this region—in this example, Brussels—spawns a message and extrapolates the fit:
In[10]:= |
Out[10]= |
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