Scope (7)
Create boundary element meshes directly:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal circle boundary:
Create three boundary meshes:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal line boundary and a region hole in the box:
Create two boundary meshes:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal boundaries:
Create two boundary meshes:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh with an internal boundary at the connection:
Create two boundary meshes:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal boundaries:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal boundaries and a region hole:
Create two boundary meshes in 3D:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal ball boundary:
Create two boundary meshes in 3D:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh:
Applications (2)
Use an image to generate a mesh that has material regions. Set up the image:
Find the image components:
Generate mesh regions:
Generate boundary ElementMesh objects and join them:
Visualize the boundary ElementMesh:
Find the centroids of the meshes:
Generate the full ElementMesh with region markers:
Solve a PDE with different coefficient values in the different material regions:
Visualize the solution:
Create two boundary meshes in 3D:
Join the meshes:
Visualize the boundary ElementMesh:
Numerically integrate over the boundary ElementMesh:
Possible Issues (6)
Sometimes the boundary mesh quality is not good enough to generate a full ElementMesh. Create two boundary ElementMesh objects:
Join the boundary meshes:
Visualize the resulting boundary ElementMesh:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal circle boundary:
In that case, generate a small offset at the intersecting boundary:
Generate a full ElementMesh with the internal circle boundary: