ResourceFunction["BlockEntropy"] is similar to
Entropy in that it also computes values from a sum of the form
The entropy measurement starts with grouping rows by
Typically, pi is a frequentist probability of obtaining the ith distinct element by randomly sampling the input list.
ResourceFunction["BlockEntropy"] expects a matrix structure, either of the form data={row1,row2,…}, or implicitly as Partition[list,blocksize] ={row1,row2,…}.
Additionally, BlockEntropy allows for coarse-graining of rows to macrostates using the function
macrofun (default:
Two rows rowj and rowk, with macrostates mj=macrofun[rowj] and mk=macrofun[rowk], are considered distinct if mj≠mk.
Likewise, two atomistic states dj,x and dk,y are considered distinct if dj,x≠dk,y.
Let 𝒟 be the set of unique atomistic states and ℳ the set of distinct values in the range of macrofun. The joint entropy is then calculated by a double sum, S=-∑ℙ(dj❘mi)ℙ(mi)Log[ℙ(dj❘mi)ℙ(mi)], where indices i and j range over the elements of ℳ and 𝒟 respectively.
The frequentist probability ℙ(mi) , mi∈ℳ equals the count of rows satisfying mi=macrofun[rowj], divided by the total number of rows.
The conditional probability ℙ(dj❘mi), mi∈ℳ, dj∈𝒟 is not necessarily frequentist, but is often assumed or constructed to be so.
The optional function
probfun takes
mi∈ℳ as the first argument and
blocksize as the second argument. It should return an
Association or
List of conditional probabilities
When probfun is not set, either "Micro" or "Macro" conditional probabilities can be specified by setting the "Statistics" option.
The default "Micro" statistics obtains 𝒟 by taking a
Union over row elements. The conditional probabilities are then calculated as
ℙ(dj❘mi)=∑ℙ(dj❘rowk)ℙ(rowk)=∑ℙ(dj❘rowk) /N, where the sum includes every possible
rowk written over elements 𝒟 and satisfying
mi=macrofun[rowk]. The factor
1/ℙ(rowk)=N equals the
Count of such rows, all assumed equiprobable.
Traditional "Macro" statistics require that 𝒟 contains all possible rows of the correct length whose elements are drawn from the complete set of row elements using
Tuples. The conditional probabilities are then calculated as
ℙ(dj❘mi)=0 if
mi≠macrofun[dj] or if
mi=macrofun[dj] as
ℙ(dj❘mi)=1 /N, with
N equal to the count of atomistic row states
dk satisfying