When called with three arguments, ResourceFunction["Asymptotes"] returns an association whose keys are among the following asymptote types: "Horizontal", "Vertical", "Oblique", "Parabolic" or "Other", and whose values are lists of asymptotes of the given type.
If a type is given as a fourth argument to
ResourceFunction["Asymptotes"], the result is a list of asymptotes of the specified type. Acceptable values for
type are
"Other" or
The first argument to ResourceFunction["Asymptotes"] can be either an expression involving x alone, specifying the curve y(x) =expr, or an equation involving both x and y.
ResourceFunction["Asymptotes"] takes the option "SingleStepTimeConstraint", which specifies the maximum time (in seconds) to spend on an individual internal step of the calculation. The default value of "SingleStepTimeConstraint" is 5.