Whenever the bipartition bipart is not specified, the first and second subsystems (as specified by the bipartition {{1},{2}}) are assumed by default.
In ResourceFunction["QuantumEntangledQ"][QuantumDiscreteState[…],…], the specified QuantumDiscreteState should contain at least two subsystems (qudits).
The bipartition bipart should be a nested list of the general form {{i1,i2,…},{j1,j2,…}}, with positive integers i1,i2,…,j1,j2,… specifying subsystems of the given QuantumDiscreteState. For instance, the bipartition {{1,2},{3}} partitions the QuantumDiscreteState into subsystems {1,2} and {3}.
If the QuantumDiscreteState is pure, then the concurrence monotone is used to determine entanglement. If the QuantumDiscreteState is mixed, then the (logarithmic) negativity monotone is used to determine entanglement.
ResourceFunction["QuantumEntangledQ"] will try to return either
True or
False. However, if the concurrence and (logarithmic) negativity monotones are not defined for the specified
QuantumDiscreteState and bipartition, and hence are insufficient to determine whether the specified subsystems are entangled, then
ResourceFunction["QuantumEntangledQ"] will return