Function Repository Resource:


Source Notebook

Create a dynamic quiz for musical intervals

Contributed by: George Woodrow III


creates a user interface to test the ability to identify musical intervals.


presents chords in the intervals.

Details and Options

This function can serve as a template for other learning exercises.
When the quiz is over, a table is shown with the user responses for each interval type.
You can select the instrument used.
Once you have identified the interval, click the Submit button to see if you have chosen well.
You can stop the quiz using the Stop Quiz button at any time. The function will show a grid of the intervals and the choices you made. In this way, you can see which intervals are giving you difficulty.
Once you have identified the interval correctly three times in a row, that interval is removed from the test set. The panel shows the number of intervals left (from unison to tenths; up; down; and, if selected, chords).
This function requires Sound and SoundNote to be functional and will not work where these functions are not available.


Basic Examples (1) 

Create a quiz interface for musical intervals:



Wolfram Summer School

Version History

  • 1.0.0 – 01 October 2020

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