"ObservationID" | the ID of the observation (default) |
"ObservationDateString" | the date of the observation as a string |
"ObservationDate" | the date of the observation |
"TimeObservedAt" | the time of the observation |
"TimeZone" | the time zone |
"OutOfRange" | out of range |
"UserID" | the user ID |
"UserLogin" | the user login |
"CreatedAt" | date when the observation was created |
"UpdatedAt" | date when the observation was last updated |
"QualityGrade" | the quality grade of the observation (default) |
"License" | the license of the observation data |
"ObservationURL" | the URL of the observation |
"ImageURL" | the URL of the main image (default) |
"SoundURL" | the URL of the recorded sound |
"TagList" | the list of tags associated to the observation |
"Description" | the description of the observation added by the user |
"IDPlease" | indicates whether the observation needs identification |
"IdentificationAgreements" | the number of identification agreements |
"IdentificationDisagreements" | the number of identification disagreements |
"CaptiveCultivated" | indicates wheter the animal or plant of the observation was captive or cultivated |
"OauthApplicationId" | the OAuth application ID |
"PlaceGuess" | the place guess |
"GeoPosition" | the GeoPosition of the observation |
"Latitude" | the latitude coordinate |
"Longitude" | the longitude coordinate |
"PositionalAccuracy" | the positional accuracy |
"PrivatePlaceGuess" | the private place guess name |
"CoordinatesObscured" | indicates wheter the observation has coordinates obscured |
"Geoprivacy" | the geoprivacy of the location of the observation |
"TaxonGeoprivacy" | the taxon geoprivacy |
"PrivateLatitude" | the private latitude |
"PrivateLongitude" | the private longitude |
"PrivatePositionalAccuracy" | the private positional accuracy |
"PositioningMethod" | the positioning method |
"PositioningDevice" | the positioning device |
"Town" | the place town name |
"County" | the county name |
"Country" | the country name |
"PlaceAdmin1" | the administrative place 1 |
"PlaceAdmin2" | the administrative place 2 |
"SpeciesGuess" | the species guess |
"ScientificName" | the scientific name |
"CommonName" | the common name |
"IconicTaxonName" | the iconic taxon name |
"IconicTaxonEntity" | the iconic taxon entity |
"TaxonID" | the taxon ID |
"TaxonKingdom" | the taxon kingdom name |
"TaxonPhylum" | the taxon phylum name |
"TaxonSubphylum" | the taxon subphylum name |
"TaxonSuperclass" | the taxon superclass name |
"TaxonClass" | the taxon class name |
"TaxonSubclass" | the taxon subclass name |
"TaxonSuperorder" | the taxon superorder name |
"TaxonOrder" | the taxon order name |
"TaxonSuborder" | the taxon suborder name |
"TaxonSuperfamily" | the taxon superfamily name |
"TaxonFamily" | the taxon family name |
"TaxonSubfamily" | the taxon subfamily name |
"TaxonSupertribe" | the taxon supertribe name |
"TaxonTribe" | the taxon tribe name |
"TaxonSubtribe" | the taxon subtribe name |
"TaxonGenus" | the taxon genus name |
"TaxonGenushybrid" | the taxon genushybrid name |
"TaxonSpecies" | the taxon species name |
"TaxonHybrid" | the taxon hybrid name |
"TaxonSubspecies" | the taxon subspecies name |
"TaxonVariety" | the taxon variety name |