Details and Options
A finite object with a well-defined shape is often symmetrical, that is, it can be reoriented and superimposed upon itself. The most familiar symmetrical objects are polygons and polyhedra. For example, a square can be turned in increments of 90° and look as though it had not been moved. In 3-dimensional space there are three kinds of operations that can bring an object into coincidence with itself: a rotation about an axis, a reflection across a plane, and a rotary-reflection (rotation about an axis followed by reflection across a plane perpendicular to the axis; inversion through a point is a special case of this kind of operation). When more than one operation exists for an object, they can be combined in pairs to generate new operations. However, there is generally only a finite number of these combinations, and mathematically they have the structure of a group. Geometrically, they all intersect at a point or along a line. Hence the name "symmetry point group" for the collection of operations. While ancient philosophers, such as Plato, recognized these symmetries, it wasn't until the end of the 19th century that crystallographers codified the naming of these point groups. There are a number of naming conventions in use today by mathematicians, chemists, and physicists. The two most common are the Schoenflies and the Hermann-Mauguin symmetry point group symbols. The latter is also known as the International symmetry point group symbol, as it is used in the International Tables for Crystallography.
The finite symmetry point groups can be placed into five classes: axial, dihedral, tetrahedral, octahedral, and icosahedral. The first two have a principal n-fold rotation axis, and the latter three have multiple, intersecting threefold, fourfold, and fivefold rotation axes, respectively. In the Schoenflies system, the axial groups are given the symbol C or S, the dihedral groups the symbol D, the tetrahedral groups the symbol T, the octahedral groups the symbol O, and the icosahedral groups the symbol I. For the cyclic and dihedral groups, the order of the rotation axis (that is, the number of partial turns, n, that produce a complete cycle) is given as a subscript. For example, the cyclic group with a threefold rotation axis is given the symbol C3. If the principal axis of the cyclic group is a rotary-reflection (also known as an improper rotation) axis, then the symbol S is given. The order of rotary-reflection axes is always even, e.g., S4. If mirror planes parallel to the principal axis are present, the subscript v is added (for “vertical”); e.g., C3v. If instead a mirror plane perpendicular to the principal axis is present, the subscript h is added (for “horizontal”); e.g., C3h. The dihedral groups are similar to the cyclic groups, but additionally have twofold rotation axes perpendicular to the principal axis. If mirror planes parallel to the principal axis are present the subscript d is used (for “diagonal”); e.g., D3d.
There are three so-called non-axial symmetry point groups. The group Cs has just a mirror plane, and is the same as C1v and C1h. The group Ci has just a center of inversion, and is the same as S2. The group C1 has no symmetry elements.
The tetrahedral symmetry group has 3 mutually perpendicular twofold rotation axes and four threefold rotation axes that meet at an angle of arc cos -

, or approximately 109.47°, and is given the symbol
T. If additionally a center of inversion is present, the subscript
h is added, e.g.,
Th. If instead there are mirror planes parallel with the threefold rotation axes, the subscript d is added, e.g.,
Td. The octahedral group is given the symbol
O, and has three mutually perpendicular fourfold rotation axes, four threefold rotation axes meeting at an angle of arc cos -

, six twofold rotation axes. If mirror planes and a center of inversion are present the subscript h is added, e.g.,
Oh. The icosahedral group has six fivefold rotation axes, ten 3-threefold rotation axes, and fifteen twofold rotation axes, and is given the symbol
I. If mirror planes and a center of inversion are present, then the subscript
h is added, e.g.,
There are three infinite symmetry point groups relevant to the structure of molecules, and they possess a principal ∞-fold rotation axis. The cyclic infinite point group also has mirror planes parallel to the principal rotation axis and is given the symbol C{XMLElement[span, {class -> stylebox}, {∞, XMLElement[i, {class -> ti}, {v}]}]}. The dihedral infinite point group also has a mirror plane perpendicular to the principal rotation axis and is given the symbol D{XMLElement[span, {class -> stylebox}, {∞, XMLElement[i, {class -> ti}, {h}]}]}. The third infinite symmetry point group is that for a perfect sphere. It has an infinite number of ∞-fold rotation axes and an infinite number of mirror planes, and is given the symbol Kh (for "Kugel").
The output is a
Subscript object, and is from one of the following symmetry point group families:
Cn | cyclic; n-fold rotation axis |
Cnv | cyclic; n-fold rotation axis with mirror planes parallel to rotation axis; C1v=Cs |
Cnh | cyclic; n-fold rotation axis with mirror plane perpendicular to rotation axis; C1h=Cs |
S2n | cyclic; 2n-fold rotary-reflection axis; S2=Ci |
Dn | dihedral; n-fold princicpal rotation axis and twofold rotation axes perpendicular to principal axis |
Dnd | dihedral; n-fold princicpal rotation axis and twofold rotation axes perpendicular to principal axis with mirror planes parallel to principal axis |
Dnh | dihedral; n-fold princicpal rotation axis and twofold rotation axes perpendicular to principal axis with mirror planes parallel to principal axis and a mirror plane perpendicular to principal axis |
T | tetrahedral; four threefold rotation axes and three twofold rotation axes |
Th | tetrahedral; four threefold rotation axes and three twofold rotation axes with center of inversion |
Td | tetrahedral; four threefold rotation axes and three twofold rotation axes with mirror planes |
O | octahedral; three 4-fold rotation axes, four threefold rotation axes, and six twofold rotation axes |
Oh | octahedral; three 4-fold rotation axes, four threefold rotation axes, and six twofold rotation axes with center of inversion |
I | icosahedral; six fivefold rotation axes, ten threefold rotation axes, and fifteen twofold rotation axes |
Ih | icosahedral; six fivefold rotation axes, ten threefold rotation axes, and fifteen twofold rotation axes with center of inversion |
C{XMLElement[span, {class -> stylebox}, {∞, XMLElement[i, {class -> ti}, {v}]}]} | continuous, linear; ∞-fold principal rotation axis with mirror planes parallel to principal axis |
D{XMLElement[span, {class -> stylebox}, {∞, XMLElement[i, {class -> ti}, {h}]}]} | continuous, linear; ∞-fold principal rotation axis and ∞ twofold rotation axes perpendicular to principal axis with mirror planes parallel to rotation axis and a mirror plane perpendicular to the principal axis |
Kh | continuous, spherical |
The following options can be given:
"ComputeAtomCoordinates" | False | whether to compute atom coordinates if not present |
"SymbolType" | "Schoenflies" | type of symbol to return; other choices are "HermannMauguin" and "International" |
Tolerance | 0.0001 | the tolerance to use for internal comparisons |
The option "ComputeAtomCoordinates" may be used to specify the coordinates to be used. Available choices are:
It is the responsibility of the user to provide atom coordinates with the desired geometry, and thus the point symmetry. Most molecules can adopt many different shapes, and the distance geometry method used by
MoleculeModify can be somewhat arbitrary when the opportunity arises. Therefore the default setting is not
Automatic. It may be useful in some settings to include
SetOptions[ResourceFunction["PointGroupSymbol"],"ComputeAtomCoordinates"→Automatic] at the beginning of one’s notebook.