Wolfram Resource System

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Paclet Resource: PeterBurbery/WordCloud

Word cloud functionality

Function Resource: SudokuGraph

Generate an n-Sudoku graph

Function Resource: SolveSudokuPuzzle

Solve a sudoku puzzle

Function Resource: EstimateSudokuDifficultyLevel

Estimate the level of difficulty for a given sudoku puzzle

Function Resource: DisplayKillerSudokuPuzzle

Display a killer sudoku puzzle

Function Resource: GenerateKillerSudokuPuzzle

Generate a killer sudoku puzzle

Data Resource: Video Games

Dataset from the Internet Games Database API as of June 2018

Function Resource: GenerateSudokuPuzzle

Generate a sudoku puzzle

Function Resource: SudokuSolve

Solve Sudoku puzzles

Paclet Resource: Bob/Games

A collection of games

Paclet Resource: FredSimons/SudokuHints

A tool for getting hints for manually solving sudoku's

Data Resource: Olympic Games Costs

Costs of the Olympic Games held from 1960 to 2014

Function Resource: DisplaySudokuPuzzle

Display a square matrix in a sudoku-puzzle format

Function Resource: SolveKillerSudokuPuzzle

Solve a killer sudoku puzzle

Data Resource: Video Games Until April 2017

Dataset from the Internet Games Database API as of April 2017

Function Resource: Game24Solutions

Find the list of solutions to the 24 Game by trying all possible options

Paclet Resource: Wolfram/Chess

Wolfram Language paclet for computational analysis of chess games

Function Resource: PolyominoesGame

Play a Polyominoes (Tetris-like) game

Function Resource: ChessVoxels

Graphics3D primitives for a set of voxelated chess pieces

Data Resource: Minecraft Block Types

Wolfram Language EntityStore with IDs and sample images for 150+ types of Minecraft blocks

Function Resource: PlayWordle

Play the popular online word game Wordle

Function Resource: ChessPGNDisplay

Dynamically display chess games from a Portable Game Notation (PGN) string or file

Prompt Resource: TwentyQuestionsGuesser

Come up with a 'thing' and see if the AI can guess it

Function Resource: PlayingCardGraphic

Create graphic displaying standard playing cards

Function Resource: PursuitCurvePlot

Plot a predator-prey pursuit curve

Function Resource: ImportPGN

Import a PGN file or string as an association of structured chess data

Function Resource: RandomSierpinskiMaze

Generate a maze based on the Sierpinski carpet

Function Resource: ToAlBhedString

Translate a string from Latin or Hiragana to Al Bhed, the cipher language from the game “Final Fantasy X”

Data Resource: American College Football Network

Network of American football games between Division IA colleges

Function Resource: DniIntegerForm

The D’ni glyph corresponding to a base-10 integer

Function Resource: CircleTheDrain

Play Bob Sandheinrich’s "Circle the Drain" game

Function Resource: LightsOutGame

Start a Lights Out game

Function Resource: ShowChessPosition

Display a chess position from FEN (Forsyth–Edwards Notation)

Function Resource: LightsOutSolution

Get the solutions of the Lights Out game

Function Resource: FindTheMonk

Create a game in which you must find a monk among many people

Function Resource: NQueenSolution

Give the solution to the n-queen problem

Function Resource: Polyomino

Give all the polyominoes of a specified rank

Function Resource: FromAlBhedString

Translate a string from Al Bhed, the cipher language from the game Final Fantasy X, to Latin or hiragana

Function Resource: ImportFactorioBlueprintString

Import blueprint strings from the game Factorio

Function Resource: NameThatMusicalInterval

Create a dynamic quiz for musical intervals

Function Resource: DobbleSets

Generate a set of integers that can create Dobble cards

Function Resource: OutShuffle

Perform an out shuffle on a list

Function Resource: InShuffle

Perform an in shuffle on a list

Function Resource: GaltonBoardModel

Model ball trajectories in a 2D Galton board using Hertzian force laws between the ball and the pegs