Yurie/ BlueArXiv

A Mathematica paclet for downloading preprints and generating BibTeX by arXiv IDs

Contributed by: Yurie

This paclet provides functionalities related to academic papers, including: batch searching and downloading arXiv preprints, generating BibTeX from INSPIRE, and extracting citation keys from LaTeX files.

Installation Instructions

To install this paclet in your Wolfram Language environment, evaluate this code:

To load the code after installation, evaluate this code:


Paclet Guide


Basic Examples

1. open the interface cell; 2. set the downloads path; 3. copy and paste texts containing arXiv IDs; 4. evaluate the interface cell:

InterpretationBox[FrameBox[TagBox[TooltipBox[PaneBox[GridBox[List[List[GraphicsBox[List[Thickness[0.0025`], List[FaceForm[List[RGBColor[0.9607843137254902`, 0.5058823529411764`, 0.19607843137254902`], Opacity[1.`]]], FilledCurveBox[List[List[List[0, 2, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0]], List[List[0, 2, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0]], List[List[0, 2, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0]], List[List[0, 2, 0], List[1, 3, 3], List[0, 1, 0], List[1, 3, 3], List[0, 1, 0], List[1, 3, 3], List[0, 1, 0], List[1, 3, 3], List[1, 3, 3], List[0, 1, 0], List[1, 3, 3], List[0, 1, 0], List[1, 3, 3]]], List[List[List[205.`, 22.863691329956055`], List[205.`, 212.31669425964355`], List[246.01799774169922`, 235.99870109558105`], List[369.0710144042969`, 307.0436840057373`], List[369.0710144042969`, 117.59068870544434`], List[205.`, 22.863691329956055`]], List[List[30.928985595703125`, 307.0436840057373`], List[153.98200225830078`, 235.99870109558105`], List[195.`, 212.31669425964355`], List[195.`, 22.863691329956055`], List[30.928985595703125`, 117.59068870544434`], List[30.928985595703125`, 307.0436840057373`]], List[List[200.`, 410.42970085144043`], List[364.0710144042969`, 315.7036876678467`], List[241.01799774169922`, 244.65868949890137`], List[200.`, 220.97669792175293`], List[158.98200225830078`, 244.65868949890137`], List[35.928985595703125`, 315.7036876678467`], List[200.`, 410.42970085144043`]], List[List[376.5710144042969`, 320.03370475769043`], List[202.5`, 420.53370475769043`], List[200.95300006866455`, 421.42667961120605`], List[199.04699993133545`, 421.42667961120605`], List[197.5`, 420.53370475769043`], List[23.428985595703125`, 320.03370475769043`], List[21.882003784179688`, 319.1406993865967`], List[20.928985595703125`, 317.4896984100342`], List[20.928985595703125`, 315.7036876678467`], List[20.928985595703125`, 114.70369529724121`], List[20.928985595703125`, 112.91769218444824`], List[21.882003784179688`, 111.26669120788574`], List[23.428985595703125`, 110.37369346618652`], List[197.5`, 9.87369155883789`], List[198.27300024032593`, 9.426692008972168`], List[199.13700008392334`, 9.203690528869629`], List[200.`, 9.203690528869629`], List[200.86299991607666`, 9.203690528869629`], List[201.72699999809265`, 9.426692008972168`], List[202.5`, 9.87369155883789`], List[376.5710144042969`, 110.37369346618652`], List[378.1179962158203`, 111.26669120788574`], List[379.0710144042969`, 112.91769218444824`], List[379.0710144042969`, 114.70369529724121`], List[379.0710144042969`, 315.7036876678467`], List[379.0710144042969`, 317.4896984100342`], List[378.1179962158203`, 319.1406993865967`], List[376.5710144042969`, 320.03370475769043`]]]]], List[FaceForm[List[RGBColor[0.5529411764705883`, 0.6745098039215687`, 0.8117647058823529`], Opacity[1.`]]], FilledCurveBox[List[List[List[0, 2, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0]]], List[List[List[44.92900085449219`, 282.59088134765625`], List[181.00001525878906`, 204.0298843383789`], List[181.00001525878906`, 46.90887451171875`], List[44.92900085449219`, 125.46986389160156`], List[44.92900085449219`, 282.59088134765625`]]]]], List[FaceForm[List[RGBColor[0.6627450980392157`, 0.803921568627451`, 0.5686274509803921`], Opacity[1.`]]], FilledCurveBox[List[List[List[0, 2, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0]]], List[List[List[355.0710144042969`, 282.59088134765625`], List[355.0710144042969`, 125.46986389160156`], List[219.`, 46.90887451171875`], List[219.`, 204.0298843383789`], List[355.0710144042969`, 282.59088134765625`]]]]], List[FaceForm[List[RGBColor[0.6901960784313725`, 0.5882352941176471`, 0.8117647058823529`], Opacity[1.`]]], FilledCurveBox[List[List[List[0, 2, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0], List[0, 1, 0]]], List[List[List[200.`, 394.0606994628906`], List[336.0710144042969`, 315.4997024536133`], List[200.`, 236.93968200683594`], List[63.928985595703125`, 315.4997024536133`], List[200.`, 394.0606994628906`]]]]]], List[Rule[BaselinePosition, Scaled[0.15`]], Rule[ImageSize, 10], Rule[ImageSize, 15]]], StyleBox[RowBox[List["arXivInterface", " "]], Rule[ShowAutoStyles, False], Rule[ShowStringCharacters, False], Rule[FontSize, Times[0.9`, Inherited]], Rule[FontColor, GrayLevel[0.1`]]]]], Rule[GridBoxSpacings, List[Rule["Columns", List[List[0.25`]]]]]], Rule[Alignment, List[Left, Baseline]], Rule[BaselinePosition, Baseline], Rule[FrameMargins, List[List[3, 0], List[0, 0]]], Rule[BaseStyle, List[Rule[LineSpacing, List[0, 0]], Rule[LineBreakWithin, False]]]], RowBox[List["PacletSymbol", "[", RowBox[List["\"Yurie/BlueArXiv\"", ",", "\"Yurie`BlueArXiv`arXivInterface\""]], "]"]], Rule[TooltipStyle, List[Rule[ShowAutoStyles, True], Rule[ShowStringCharacters, True]]]], Function[Annotation[Slot[1], Style[Defer[PacletSymbol["Yurie/BlueArXiv", "Yurie`BlueArXiv`arXivInterface"]], Rule[ShowStringCharacters, True]], "Tooltip"]]], Rule[Background, RGBColor[0.968`, 0.976`, 0.984`]], Rule[BaselinePosition, Baseline], Rule[DefaultBaseStyle, List[]], Rule[FrameMargins, List[List[0, 0], List[1, 1]]], Rule[FrameStyle, RGBColor[0.831`, 0.847`, 0.85`]], Rule[RoundingRadius, 4]], PacletSymbol["Yurie/BlueArXiv", "Yurie`BlueArXiv`arXivInterface"], Rule[Selectable, False], Rule[SelectWithContents, True], Rule[BoxID, "PacletSymbolBox"]][]





Wolfram Language Version 13

Version History

  • 2.4.2 – 11 August 2024
  • 2.4.1 – 10 August 2024
  • 2.3 – 07 August 2024
  • 2.2.0 – 07 August 2024
  • 2.1.5 – 08 June 2024
  • 2.1.4 – 28 May 2024
  • 2.1.3 – 27 May 2024
  • 2.1.2 – 23 May 2024
  • 2.1.1 – 23 May 2024
  • 2.1.0 – 23 May 2024
  • 2.0.0 – 23 May 2024
  • 1.2.2 – 15 May 2024
  • 1.2.1 – 27 February 2024
  • 1.2.0 – 27 February 2024
  • 1.1.13 – 13 December 2023
  • 1.1.12 – 13 December 2023
  • 1.1.10 – 01 September 2023
  • 1.1.9 – 31 August 2023
  • 1.1.8 – 01 September 2023
  • 1.1.7 – 26 August 2023
  • 1.1.6 – 19 August 2023
  • 1.1.5 – 19 August 2023
  • 1.1.4 – 18 August 2023
  • 1.1.3 – 18 August 2023
  • 1.1.2 – 17 August 2023
  • 1.1.1 – 17 August 2023
  • 1.1.0 – 17 August 2023
  • 1.0.1 – 04 August 2023
  • 1.0.0 – 23 July 2023

License Information

MIT License

Paclet Source