Contributors to the Wolfram Language Paclet Repository can include a list of disclosures with their paclet. These disclosures tell users how to expect the paclet to interact with their environment.
Typical disclosures include: “Local Files”, “Wolfram Account”, “External Services”, “WL System”, “OS Configuration” and “Local System Interactions”.
Disclosure Actions
A summary of actions corresponding to each disclosures is below:
Local Files
Creates, deletes or modifies local files
Imports data from local files
Wolfram Account
Requires, uses or records any information related to user’s Wolfram ID
Interacts with the user’s user’s Wolfram Cloud account or Wolfram Account
Creates, deletes or modifies the user’s cloud objects
Creates or executes cloud-deployed scheduled tasks
Uses cloud credits or service credits
Makes Wolfram|Alpha calls
External Services
Makes requests to external services (http, ftp, ssh, etc.)
Creates or uses service connection
Sends emails
Wolfram Language System Configuration
Creates persistent local scheduled tasks
Modifies Wolfram Language system or environment settings