
(1.0.2) current version: 1.0.3 »

Notebook style with cells for external execution of Raku commands

Contributed by: Anton Antonov

Notebook style with cells for external execution of Raku commands

Installation Instructions

To install this paclet in your Wolfram Language environment, evaluate this code:

To load the code after installation, evaluate this code:


It assumed that the user of this paclet has successfully installed Raku and the Raku module "Text::CodeProcessing".
One type of cells is provided for external execution of Raku commands.
The function RakuMode can be used to enable and disable the notebook style.
The shortcut "Shift-|" can be used to create an Raku input cell.
Using "Tab" the beginning of the Raku input cell will convert the cell into other types of cells: Input, WoflramAlpha, or ChatInput.
If WL's version is 13.3 or higher then RakuMode notebook stylesheet inherits from the style "Chatbook.nb"; otherwise from "Default.nb".
This means that WL's ChatInput cells can be used in PaLMMode notebooks. (If WL's version is 13.3 or higher.)


Basic Examples (1) 

Enable the current notebook to have Raku external execution cells:


Another RakuMode[] invocation converts the notebook into the default notebook style. More explicitly the styling can be specified with RakuMode[True] or RakuMode[False].

RakuMode can also take notebook objects as arguments.

Scope (2) 

Here we get the notebook style provided by this paclet:

Here is a screenshot of a notebook with the notebook style RakuMode applied:


Anton Antonov



Wolfram Language Version 13.2

Version History

  • 1.0.3 – 11 October 2023
  • 1.0.2 – 04 July 2023
  • 1.0.1 – 10 April 2023
  • 1.0.0 – 09 April 2023

License Information

MIT License

Paclet Source

Source Metadata

See Also