Wolfram Language Paclet Repository
Community-contributed installable additions to the Wolfram Language
Notebook style with cells for execution of OpenAI commands
Contributed by: Anton Antonov
Notebook style with cells for execution of OpenAI commands based on the paclet OpenAILink.
To install this paclet in your Wolfram Language environment,
evaluate this code:
To load the code after installation, evaluate this code:
Enable the current notebook to have OpenAI interaction cells:
In[1]:= |
Another OpenAIMode[] invocation converts the notebook into the default notebook style. More explicitly the styling can be specified with OpenAIMode[True] or OpenAIMode[False].
OpenAIMode can also take notebook objects as arguments.
The text completion cell uses the evaluation function OpenAIInputExecuteToText. which takes all options of ChristopherWolfram`OpenAILink`OpenAITextComplete. Desired option values can be set using SetOptions:
The text completion cell uses the evaluation function OpenAIInputExecuteToImage. which takes all options of ChristopherWolfram`OpenAILink`OpenAICreateImage. Desired option values can be set using SetOptions:
The function OpenAIMode takes the options "TokenLimit" and ImageSize the values of which are used to do default options settings for OpenAIInputExecuteToText and OpenAIInputExecuteToImage respectively. For example, the command:
is equivalent to the sequence of commands:
Here is a screenshot of a notebook with the notebook style OpenAIMode applied:
Wolfram Language Version 13.2