Wolfram Language Paclet Repository
Community-contributed installable additions to the Wolfram Language
Determine fission-fusion dynamics from position data
Contributed by: Katja Della Libera
Paclet publishing the "sticky" DBSCAN-modification used in the animal behaviour paper "Rate of fission-fusion events in domestic sheep is linked to time of day but not resource distribution". The first function "StickyDBSCAN" allows a user to assign groups based on GPS (or other coordinate) data for a number of individuals and time steps. The second function "FindFissionFusionGraph" takes the output of DBSCAN and turns it into a graph that associates groups with overlapping membership if they exist in consecutive time steps.
To install this paclet in your Wolfram Language environment,
evaluate this code:
Sample 5 Brownian Motion paths. We will use this as mock GPS data for 5 individuals:
In[1]:= |
Visualize the Paths:
In[2]:= |
Out[2]= |
Make a list of all the pairs:
In[3]:= |
Out[3]= |
For each of these pairs find the distance at every time step:
In[4]:= |
Use the stickyDBSCAN function to find the groups at each time step. Let's try an inner radius of 0.3 and an outer radius of 0.5. the tmin is 1 to start from the beginning and the tmax is the number of fake GPS data points:
In[5]:= |
In[6]:= |
Out[6]= |
We can make the graph look nicer by putting time on the x-axis:
In[7]:= |
Out[7]= |
We can try out a different combination of radii to see fewer fission-fusion events:
In[8]:= |
In[9]:= |
In[10]:= |
Out[10]= |
Wolfram Language Version 13.2