Latin Metrical Scansion Net
Trained on
The Aeneid
Released in 2019, this net is based on a simple sequence-to-sequence architecture that successfully determines the metrical pattern of lines of Latin poetry in dactylic hexameter. The net takes a plain line of poetry as input and outputs the likelihood that each character falls into one of three categories: a long vowel; a short vowel; or an ignored vowel, consonant, or punctuation mark.
Number of layers: 5 |
Parameter count: 12,063 |
Trained size: 102 KB |
Resource retrieval
Get the pre-trained net:
Evaluation function
Obtain the evaluation function for this model:
Basic usage
Obtain a line of Latin text:
Obtain the probabilities that each character falls into one of three categories: a long vowel; a short vowel; or an ignored vowel, consonant, or punctuation mark.
Display the color-coded line with metrical markings:
Net information
Inspect the number of parameters of all arrays in the net:
Obtain the total number of parameters:
Obtain the layer type counts:
Display the summary graphic:
Export to MXNet
Export the net into a format that can be opened in MXNet:
Export also creates a net.params file containing parameters:
Get the size of the parameter file:
The size is similar to the byte count of the resource object:
Represent the MXNet net as a graph:
Wolfram Language
(April 2019)
or above
Resource History