Micro Aerial Vehicle Trail Navigation Nets
Trained on
IDSIA Swiss Alps and PASCAL VOC Data
Released in 2017, these two models constitute a system for autonomous path navigation in unstructured, outdoor environments such as forests. Specifically, this model is trained for steering in a forest environment. The system consists of two main submodules: a navigation net (TrailNet DNN) and an obstacle detection net. The navigation net is a two-headed classifier used to estimate rotation directions and lateral translations given an input image, with a total of three categories each. These output probabilities are later combined to predict a final rotation angle. It is based on ResNet-18, with batch normalization layers removed and ReLUs replaced with shifted ReLUs.
The obstacle detection net is an object detection model based on YOLO V1 with a few modifications, such as removal of batch normalizations and replacement of leaky ReLUs by ReLUs. In case a detected object occupies a large proportion of the space within the image frame, the vehicle is forced to stop.
Number of models: 2
Resource retrieval
Get the pre-trained net:
NetModel parameters
This model consists of a family of individual nets, each identified by a specific parameter combination. Inspect the available parameters:
Pick a non-default net by specifying the parameter:
Pick a non-default uninitialized net:
Evaluation functions
Evaluation function for the navigation model
Define an evaluation function to calculate the turning angle in radians:
Evaluation function for object detection model
Write an evaluation function to scale the result to the input image size and suppress the least probable detections:
Label list for the object detection model
Define the label list for this model. Integers in the model's output correspond to elements in the label list:
Basic usage: navigation model
Calculate the turn angle in radians given a test image:
Basic usage: object detection model
Obtain the detected bounding boxes with their corresponding classes and confidences for a given image:
Inspect which classes are detected:
Visualize the detection:
Detection results
Define an image:
The network computes 98 bounding boxes and the probability that the objects in each box are of any given class:
Visualize all the boxes predicted by the net scaled by their "Confidence" measures:
Net information
Inspect the number of parameters of all arrays in the net:
Obtain the total number of parameters:
Obtain the layer type counts:
Display the summary graphic:
Export to MXNet
Export the nets into a format that can be opened in MXNet:
Export also creates a net.params file containing parameters:
Get the size of the parameter files:
Wolfram Language
(March 2020)
or above
Resource History