The `<head>` section of the webpage contains the following:- Meta information: There are a number of `<meta>` tags which provide additional information about the webpage. There is a `<meta>` tag to specify the character encoding used on the webpage (UTF-8). There is a responsive design `<meta>` tag which makes the website look good on all devices (it has a 'viewport' of 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1'). Additionally, there are `<meta>` tags describing the content of the website ("Programming projects by Christopher Wolfram"), its author ("Christopher Wolfram"), and the page title ("Christopher Wolfram").- Google Analytics script: The `<head>` section includes a JavaScript that sets up Google Analytics for the page with the Tracking ID 'UA-111554828-1'. This will track and report the website's traffic.- External resource linking: A link to an external CSS file hosted on '' is present which presumably provides the 'Raleway' font used in the website's design.- OpenGraph Meta Tags: Partial OpenGraph meta tags are present to improve the way the webpage interacts with social media platforms, but the content property is not filled in this snippet.